Page 39 of Last Love
And she wanders off as Quinn takes her place. “Hey, really, don’t worry about the JSE. Avery’s right. It shows they’re accepting you right off the bat, but that’s normal for Juniper.”
I offer him a smile. “Yeah. It’s one of the things that drew me to this town. Although, I’ve heard rumors about the gay ducks.”
He chuckles. “Those assholes. Be thankful they haven’t shown up to your door demanding food.”
The bell tinkles again and Quinn looks up. I watch as his entire face changes from just a happy guy to one filled with love in a split second. I look over at the door and see two women walking down the aisle. One is tall, with dark long hair, and there is something vaguely familiar about her. The woman beside her is considerably shorter, with long, wavy red hair, and she’s holding a dark-haired baby. I blink because I don’t think I have ever seen anyone wear that much black lace.
“So, I leave my store and you’re hitting on my customers,” the dark-haired woman says.
Quinn chuckles as he wraps his arms around her. “How would I ever want another woman?”
“I’m sorry for them,” the redhead says. “She’s Everly and I’m Becca.”
“When did you become a redhead?” Quinn asks as he takes the baby from her.
“Last night. It’s so hot, I thought I should represent it with my hair.”
As I take in the two women, I realize they are total opposites in appearance. Everly is dressed in a pair of jean shorts, flip-flops, and a t-shirt that reads,Don’t talk to me and I won’t punch you. Becca seems to be her opposite, dressed like she’s getting ready to go to a Madonna concert in the ’80s. Everything in her ensemble matches perfectly.
“You must have been the one who did the display,” I say.
“Yes!” She claps as happiness bursts out of her.
“How did you know it wasn’t me?” Everly asks. “I’m offended.”
I look between them. “Well, her hair and clothes match perfectly. Also, her makeup matches the look she has going. I mean, she looks like she wants to attend the MTV awards where Madonna rolled around on the stage and sang ‘Like a Virgin’.”
The woman claps again. “Yes.”
Quinn chuckles. “Liv, this is Becca Gold.”
Becca falls down into a perfect curtsey as if she were on the set ofBridgerton, then pops back up.
“And this is my daughter Esme, and her beautiful momma, Everly.”
The baby gives me a drooly smile.
“Nice to meet all of you.”
“Liv?” Everly asks
“She’s taking over the office for Nancy and Travis.”
“God, you will need the patience of a saint.,” Everly says.
“That’s okay, she has it,” Avery says, walking up with Sammy, hand in hand. He’s clutching a box as if it’s his favorite thing in the world. My gaze roams over the store and I find my daughter with Carter as they are looking at the My Little Pony section.
“Good, because I’ve heard Nancy go on and on about Travis and his inability to file expense reports,” Everly says.
“Also, she lives next door to Mason,” Avery says. She turns to me. “She’s Mason’s sister.”
Oh, okay, so this is getting complicated.
Everly’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh? So, you were the mystery woman having breakfast with Mason?”
“She’s not a mystery. She’s my momma.”