Page 40 of Last Love
Everly smiles and leans down just like Carter did so she can speak eye to eye with my son. “Yeah? Were you there?”
He nods. “And so was Callie and Houdini.”
“There was a magic show?”
He giggles. “No. Houdini is our dog.”
“Who escaped out of our yard to bother your brother.”
“Then he made us to breakfast. It was so good. There was even gravy.”
She straightens. “He made bacon gravy and didn’t invite me? That’s rude.”
“There’s my girl,” Carter says, plucking Esme away from his brother. “Callie and I found lots of cool things.”
I look at the few comics in her arms and the admiration on her face. Oh, someone has a crush on Carter. How could she not? He’s cool, pretty, and talks to kids as if they matter. If I were her age, I would probably have a crush on him.
“So, you have a dog?”
I blink at the change of topic from Everly.
“Uh, yeah. We adopted him a few months ago. He’s kind of a pain.”
“He’s the best. Do you want to know why his name fits?” Sammy asks.
“Yes I do.”
Sammy is in his element now. He loves to be the center of attention.
“He’s an S cape artist. Although, I’ve never seen the capes or what that means but it always makes Mommy roll her eyes and laugh.”
All attention swings my way, and I have to fight the urge to fidget. Unlike my youngest, I really hate attention.
I clear my throat. “Um, he means an escape artist. Houdini tends to jump the fence and goes wandering. He apparently took a liking to Mason.”
“Yeah. And that’s good because he makes better gravy than Mommy.”
Avery chuckles. “He’s not lying.”
“Houdini,” Becca says. “What a wonderful name. I need to meet him.”
“You can come over anytime,” Sammy says, smiling at Becca. “I’ll show you my toys too. You can come now, right, Mommy?”
I open my mouth to refute him, because I don’t want Becca to feel as if she has to come over.
“I’m sure your mommy is still unpacking.”
“Liv Edwards not have the house unpacked within twelve hours of arriving?” Avery says chuckling. “Yeah, right.”
“Avery.” Then I shrug. “I’m a former military wife. Moving is in my blood. Sammy, I thought you wanted a milkshake from the diner.”
“You cannot miss that! They have the best milkshakes. They also have the best patty melts in the world,” Carter says. “Hey, Quinn?”
Without breaking a beat, Quinn seems to know what he’s asking. “Nope. Not hungry.”
“You can come with us,” Callie offers.
Carter looks down at her, then back at me. “As long as it’s okay with your mom.”