Page 85 of Press' Passion
“I’m telling you what I think Dr. Benedict will say, not how I feel.”
“What would you say in response?”
“I woke up. Or my body did. Every part of me, actually. Maybe it was a good thing Beau kissed me.”
Press shook his head. “I will never agree that was a good thing.”
“Even if it made me realize I wasn’t as attracted to him as I thought?”
He sighed. “I suppose. However, I would’ve preferred you come to that realization without me having to witness my brother doing what I’d dreamed so often of.”
“You don’t have to dream anymore. You can kiss me whenever you’d like. Say, for example, now.”
He leaned forward, and our lips met. Too briefly for me, but Press was onto what I was up to. Distraction.
“So that was it?” he asked. “One kiss from Beau, and you suddenly changed your mind about him?”
“Being away from you is what changed my mind. Or made me think, anyway.” I took his hands in mine. It was something he always did with me when he wanted me to pay close attention to what he was saying. “I missed you so much. I know I’ve already told you I did, but I doubt you know the extent of it. I ached. Here.” I brought his hand to my heart. “Ached, Press.”
I put my finger on his lips. “I have so much more I want to say.”
He nodded.
“I never felt that way about Beau. When Daphne showed up at Seahorse and I saw them together, I was humiliated and embarrassed more than hurt. I recognize that now. I also recognize how much I must’ve hurt you.”
“I understood.”
“You understood about Beau, but after all you’d done for me, how you’d been there for me, I just left.”
“The move to Butler Ranch proved a positive thing for you.”
“I agree. However, there wasn’t a day when I didn’t speak with you. I don’t remember many when you didn’t drive over and spend the better part of the day with me.”
“I couldn’t bear to be away from you.”
“It hit me when we were in Mexico. When you said you were leaving and had no plans to return, I was so angry with you for not telling me.”
He smiled. “I recall. You may not appreciate hearing this, but I was proud of you. You had every right to call me out for not informing you. It was the antithesis of how our friendship had been to that point. I was glad you didn’t just lie down and take it, so to speak.”
“What made you want to leave, Press?”
He took my hand and brought it to his heart. “I looked up at you during the ceremony. At first I thought you were looking at me. Then I realized it was Beau you were enraptured with. My decision to leave was about self-preservation.”
My eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry.”
“I cannot accept your apology. You had no idea how I felt about you.”
“Why didn’t I? Everyone else knew.”
He brushed a tear from my cheek. “Perhaps you weren’t ready.”
“And you care about me too much to push when I’m not ready,” I repeated the words he’d said a few minutes ago.
Press nodded.
“I agree, in part. However, it had to be more than just missing you. Even before Beau kissed me—sorry,” I said when he cringed. “I’d already started thinking of you differently.”