Page 86 of Press' Passion
He sat back and shook his head.
“What?” I asked.
“Something Zin said.”
“Will you tell me?”
“We were still in Mexico. He said Beau was safe.”
“Beau? Safe?” I said with wide eyes.
“Close to my response.”
“What was your response?”
“I told him he had it backwards. Perhaps not those exact words. However, I said it was I who was safe.”
“Did he say anything else?”
Press nodded. “He told me I was looking at it wrong.”
I leaned up and kissed him. “Press, there’s one thing that’s still bothering me.”
“Out with it,” he said, winking.
“What you said about choosing.”
The smile left his face, and he looked into my eyes. “I regret those words very much, Luisa. I meant nothing against you—”
“That’s the part that bothers me. You meant nothing against me, which means you didn’t—couldn’t—believe I’d wantyou.”
“My father approached me the day after my mother passed. You’d just left for Butler Ranch.” Press took several deep breaths. “This is harder than I expected it to be.”
I tightened my grip on his hands and waited.
“It was after the kiss.” He hung his head. “I still regret not seeing you off.”
I blinked in an effort not to cry again. “You were hurting.”
“As I said, my father approached me. He’d actually heard me arguing with Zin. He said, ‘I’m going to give you the same advice your mother would. She’d tell you to step in front of your brother, not to the side.’”
Hearing the anguish in his voice wrecked me. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s what I’ve always done, you see. I never fought for what I wanted. If Beau expressed an interest, I stepped aside.”
“Press, I…I don’t know what to say.”
“How do you feel about me, Luisa?”
I brushed my tears away. “I’m not sure I have a grasp on how love feels, exactly. But I do know this. You’re the person I want to see every day. Be with. Talk to. Share my life with.” I bit my bottom lip, but I was determined to continue, no matter how hard the words were for me to say. “You’re the person I want to make love with, Press. No one else.”
Desire surged through my body. “Luisa, I never imagined—well, maybe I imagined—but I never believed I’d hear you say any of what you just said. My God, I’m speechless.”
“How do you feel about me, Press?”