Page 67 of Bonita Brynne
“Remember, Storm and Boxer will take out the guards. They’ll only shoot Dorian if he fires at one of us.” Raul’s hushed voice raked down my spine. He wanted nothing more than to get his hands on Dorian and choke him to death. While I desired to talk to him before ending him.
“Yes, honey. We know.” I squeezed Libby’s ice-cold hand. The humid air was thick and chilled at four in the morning. It created a layer of fog from our knees on up, making it difficult to see more than five feet ahead of us, but not impossible.
“Tina falls first, Libby.” My husband couldn’t help himself from reminding us of our parts. “Cry out, Mom, as if she could be hurt, then drop to your knees. And stay there until I say it’s clear.”
“Yes, honey. We know.” I wrapped my arm around Libby as we walked, as I would’ve done had it been Brynne.
A man dressed in black wearing a ski mask jerked Raymond out of the backseat. Another came out of the other side and joined them. My heart raced, and I almost ran toward him.
“Christina,” Dorian said breathlessly. “Finally.” He gripped the back of Raymond’s neck and pushed him in front of him like a human shield.
“Dorian, please don’t do this. I just got her back,” I said in an emotional voice, similar to when we were together, and I wanted him to marry me. I tugged Libby closer and leaned my head toward her.
The old ladies had agreed he would not be able to resist me. I prayed we were right. Manipulating his emotions and reminding him of how much he loved me could allow Storm and the others the opportunity to take out his three hired guns.
“Make sure you don’t hit my son,” Raul hissed into his earpiece.
Oh my God, they weren’t wasting a second.
“I never wanted to hurt you, Christina,” Dorian shouted. “But I need an heir and Brynne is the next best choice since I can’t have you.”
“But you can have me!”
“Tina, what the fuck?” Raul growled.
“Take me, instead.”
“You’re not pure like Brynne. You know my parents’ requirements!” The agony on his face told me he still desired only me.
“Please, Dorian.” I released Libby and pushed her behind me. “Take me instead!” I jogged toward my son, prepared to do anything to keep him and the others safe.
“No, Tina!” Raul hollered.
Dorian shoved Raymond to the ground and opened his arms, a smile stretching across his face.
One guard went down.
Then another.
I screamed and tumbled over my feet and landed on my stomach.
“Christina!” Dorian yelled.
“Tina!” Raul’s heavy footsteps pounded the dirt.
I kept my eyes on my son, not caring about my well-being. Track and Dodge got to Raymond quickly and carried him to safety.
And I could breathe again. I pressed my forehead onto the dirt and cried.
“Don’t touch her,” Dorian shouted.
Pop, pop, pop. Bullets whizzed by me.
I covered my head with my hands, too afraid to see who was shooting and who was shot.
“You’re going down motherfucker!”
I peeked and saw Raul tackle Dorian to the ground. I was sure someone had been hit.