Page 71 of Bonita Brynne
“Okay.” He kissed me on the lips.
“What’s going on?” Raymond asked, confused.
“Oh shit.” Joseph’s eyebrows shot up. “I wasn’t thinking.”
“Brynne and Track are in love and having a baby,” Valerie exclaimed.
Honestly, I was relieved someone else told Raymond about us. Each time I did it, it made me second-guess being with him because I cared deeply about how my family felt. After growing up alone, I would do anything to make them happy and gain their approval.
“Seriously?” He screwed up his face. “She’s our sister.”
“But she’s not Track’s silly.” Valerie really seemed to understand and approve of us. “I’m excited about the baby.”
“When I was in Montana, we got to know each other.” Joseph put his arm around me. His touch gave me courage. “And we fell in love. When you’re older, you’ll understand when you have a girlfriend. But when you meet your number one, the feelings are amped up like never before.”
How could I even consider giving him up? I’d be a fool if I did. No, I’d never give him up. He was mine and I was his.
“I already understand,” Raymond replied.
“You do?” Mom asked him with a surprised expression. “Is there a girl I don’t know about?”
“Maybe.” He shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention to Joseph. “If you and Brynne are happy together and having a baby, I’m okay with it. It’s a little weird, but it’s not dangerous.”
I was blown away. Raymond’s reaction wasn’t at all what I’d been expecting. Perhaps it was his age. Were almost fourteen-year-olds so chill about this sort of thing? I had no idea, but I was grateful. After what we’d been through, I wouldn’t complain.
Joseph went to our brother and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re okay, bro. Thank you for not giving me shit about Brynne.”
“Of course. You never know. I might need you to have my back with a girl someday.”
“I will always have your back, little brother.” Joseph turned to me. “I’ll be back, Bonita, with breakfast for everyone.”
I smiled, watching him leave the suite. How did I get so lucky?
I’d spent the entire day in the suite with my mom, brother, and sister while Joseph and the others cleaned up the parking lot and repaired the broken gate. Since Valerie and I hadn’t seen the destruction, Joseph and Raul wouldn’t let us leave the family wing. That was just fine with me. I didn’t want the horrific images of dead officers in my memory for the rest of my life. It was bad enough to hear about Raymond’s ordeal and the servant girl with the missing pinky.
Raymond seemed sweet on the girl, but maybe he was only concerned about her. Each time he mentioned her, something flickered in his dark eyes like he remembered something that had happened during his captivity.
We’d been in the sitting room watching movies for the past few hours. It was after eight in the evening, and I was ready for bed. But I pushed through, waiting for Joseph. He’d said he would be back, so he better.
“Raul just texted. Remember that thing I told you about?” she whispered, so Valerie and Raymond didn’t hear.
“Yes.” She’d told me Raul was taking her to where they had Dorian… For closure. I didn’t let myself imagine what they meant, but I assumed Dorian would never be a threat to us again.
“We’re leaving in fifteen minutes. I’m going to take the kids to our suite so you can rest.”
I was going to say no, to leave them with me, when the door opened, and Joseph entered.
“Hey.” He made a beeline for me and kissed my head. “You doing okay?”
“I’m fine. Are you done for the day?”
“Yes, and I’m exhausted.” He pinched my chin. “Bet you are too.”
I was, but I only smiled.
“Maddox will watch the kids while we’re gone.” Mom got up and tapped Valerie and Raymond’s legs. “Let’s go so Brynne and Track can get some rest.”