Page 76 of Bonita Brynne
She put her hands on her hips and pushed her pregnant belly out. “Are you arguing with me?” It was fascinating to watch her handle the prez.
Storm scanned the table. Yep, we were watching the scene play out. “Women shouldn’t be involved in club business.” He slammed his hand on the table. “They get hurt, goddammit!”
The bar fell silent.
Jesus, he was torn up over what happened to Libby. Thankfully, she didn’t die. But if he had made her and Tina stay at the compound, maybe she wouldn’t have been injured and could have a baby if she wanted.
On the flip side, Coby had attacked the clubhouse while many of us were at the meeting with Dorian. Several officers had been killed and injured.
We lost a kitten. Not that Becca had been a club favorite, like Libby. But it still stung and Storm wasn’t dealing well with any of it.
Maddy cradled his face. “Let’s go home.”
“Yeah, all right,” he grumbled and put his arm around her. Ire and Hollywood followed.
The room watched them leave. No matter what Storm thought of himself, he was a damn fine president and respected by all. Nobody blamed him for Libby’s injuries. Not even Grizzly, although he was pissed at the president for not overruling the vote.
But the way I saw it, the vote had been unanimous in letting the old ladies’ participate in the swap. So in that respect, each member shared a piece of the blame… Even Grizzly.
“I hope it won’t take long for Prez to get out of his funk,” Lynx said. “Remember how he was after Matt died.”
I nodded. “But that was different.”
“Death is death, son.” My dad took a swig of his beer. “When it’s someone innocent, it affects a person. Storm has his demons like we all do. We gotta give him time.”
“Yeah, well, I’m out.” I stretched and jerked my head for Brynne to come here.
She smiled, leaned toward her mom and Sugar, and said something to them. She waved to the other women and sashayed my way.
I met her halfway.
“Did you want me?”
“Bonita, I always want you.” I took her hand and led her out of the bar. “Wanna go out to dinner?”
“For real?”
“For real. The threat has been eliminated. There’s no reason to hide out at the compound.” I held the glass exit door open for her.
“I’d love to go out to dinner.” She did a little schoolgirl clap.
I opened the passenger door of my truck. “What would you like? Pizza, Mexican food, a burger?”
“Oh my gosh, Mexican for sure.” She stepped on the running board and sat down.
I laughed at her excitement while she buckled her seat belt. She beamed brighter than the sun.Great idea, bro.
“Can I ask what made you decide to take me out?” Her head turned from side to side taking in the scenery.
“It just came to me. I saw no reason to keep you restricted to the compound.”
“So I can come and go as I please?” She grinned wide.
“Not exactly. If I can’t be with you, a prospect will be. It’s just for precautions.”
She pouted. “Okay, I’m not thrilled about it, but I am choosing this life. I won’t be difficult.”
I squeezed her thigh. “I appreciate it, Bonita.”