Page 77 of Bonita Brynne
As we drove through the small downtown, I pointed out Human Canvas Tattoo Parlor, the club’s auto body and gun shop, Boxer’s Gym, and Jill’s boarded-up boutique. Wolf hadn’t had the heart to reopen it, even when Snow had offered to do everything the way Jill had it.
My MC brother couldn’t move on with his life. He had spent the time following Jill’s murder torturing himself. He’d been a cranky cuss, and it broke my heart. I loved the Russian giant and wanted to see him enjoying life instead of dwelling on the past. When Storm called off the search, I was sure Wolf would be unbearable to be around.
“This is an adorable town.” Brynne’s voice pulled me back to the present. “I love all the patriotic decorations.”
“Yeah, there’s a big Fourth of July parade and fireworks show. I like living here. It’s been my home since I was a little kid, but I’m ready for a change.” I parked my Chevy in one of the club’s designated spots.
“Have you decided when you’re going to tell Storm?”
“Not now.” It would be like kicking him while he was down. “I’ll know when the right time arrives.” If it ever arrived. Shoot, I might even wait until after the New Year. There was no rush if we weren’t going to move until after the baby was born.
“Okay, I trust you.”
I felt us grow closer whenever she told me she trusted me. After betraying her, I didn’t deserve her trust, but I would do everything possible to be worthy of it.
We entered Casitas Mexican Restaurant like a real couple, holding hands and it felt fucking incredible.
“Track!” Maria rushed over and hugged me. “It’s so good to see you. I heard about the trouble.” She made weird eyes and jerked her head at the door. I assumed she meant the trouble out at the compound.
“We’re good,” I told her simply. “Just us two tonight.”
“Okay, I have the club’s table available as always.” She grabbed a couple of menus and seated us. “And who’s this?” Her Spanish accent was thick as ever. “Tu novia?” Maria smiled politely at Brynne.
“Sí. Yes, she’s my fiancé. This is Brynne.”
“I should’ve taken Spanish in high school,” Brynne whispered.
“Ella es bonita.” Maria waggled her brows.
“Now that I understand.” Brynne giggled. “Gracias, thank you so much.”
“Aww, you two are so cute. I’ll be back.” Maria rushed off.
Brynne exhaled dreamily and leaned her head on my shoulder. “It feels incredible to be out in the world.”
“Especially with you.” I kissed her head. “We haven’t had an opportunity to date and be a couple out in public.”
“No, we haven’t. Do you think we’re rushing into getting married?”
“What? Where’d that come from?” Was she joking?
“Relax, baby.” She stroked the top of my thigh. “It was just a thought I had. Most people date for months, sometimes years before they get married.”
“We’re not like anyone else.”
“I agree with you. I’m happy we’re getting married.” She studied the menu.
“When should we do it?”
“Whenever you want. I’ve got nothing going on until this one arrives.” She rubbed her belly.
Maria returned with chips and salsa, water and a beer for me. “And what would you like to drink?” she asked Brynne.
“Water is fine, thank you.’
“Are you ready to order?” Maria asked.
“I’ll have my usual,” I replied.