Page 1 of Fire and Flames
Chapter One
I pull at the cuffs tied around my wrists. They’re not the kinky kind with pink fuzz. They’re the real kind with hard metal edges that leave raw skin. Though, they are attached to the frame of the bed, so I guess that’s a positive. Maybe the Italian finally had his way with me. I’ve been throwing myself at the man all week. It’s about time. Though, I usually remember fun nights like that, and I don’t normally sleep in handcuffs. Come to think of it, the last thing I remember is laying on the deck of the boat with my book, an erotic romance novel about some orgy thing where the girl gets all the guys. It’s kind of my fantasy. I strain to remember past page fifty-two, but nothing comes to mind.
“Hello?” I shout, hoping the Italian is in the kitchen making us some breakfast. I imagine this is his room. I hadn’t been to this part of the boat before now… or whenever I got here. It’s more elaborate than other parts of the yacht, but still rather plain for what I was expecting a mafia boss’s bedroom to look like. I’m sure he has rooms all over the world, but still, if I were him, I’d put way more detail into a space than dull blues and anchor pillows.
When no one answers back, my stomach hardens, and my ears go hypersensitive to everything around me.Maybe the Italian left me here on purpose. Maybe he’s trying to hurt me.Images of horror flash through my head.Ropes around my ankles and wrists, his giant body heaving me into the ocean like a rag doll and sinking to the bottom like a rock. Knowing my luck, I’d get eaten by one of the sharks I saw circling earlier in the week.What an asshole! He was supposed to be keeping me safe. I knew I couldn’t trust that dude. Who trusts a guy that swims with sharks at night? Of course, a guy like that was bound to chain me up.
But why? We did have a solid week together, where he was nothing but a gentleman. Too much of a gentleman, if you ask me.
I lean forward and try to reach the bedside table next to me, but my arms have little mobility from the chain and the table has been pushed just beyond my fingertips.
“Looking for something?” a rough, deep voice interrupts my reaching. I know the sound, it’s the Italian. And judging by the smirk on his face, I’m going to guess he’s the one with the key to these chains.
“What did you do to me?” I bark, taking in the sight of him again. I shouldn’t be attracted to him anymore. Obviously, he’s evil, but the tall, dark and handsome thing he has going on really stands out.
“You’re awake,” he says, his voice deep and imposing.
“Yeah, and I’m asking you a question.”
The faintest of smiles curves onto his face as if he’s entertained, but it’s gone within seconds before he settles onto the bed beside me. “Are you ready to talk, or are you still spitting fire?”
“I thought you were supposed to be protecting me. That’s what Viktor sent you to do.”
His stance is eerily calm and relaxed as he sits on the edge of my bed, wearing a navy three-piece suit.Who wears a suit on a boat?
“Viktor sent me to keep you safe, and that’s what I’m doing.”
“By chaining me up? We were having a good week. I wasn’t trying to escape. I thought this was going to be over soon.”
“Well, you weren’t being honest with me.” He’s so brief with his statements that I’m not sure what to make of anything he’s saying.
“What aren’t I being honest with you about?”
He laughs and adjusts the sleeves of his suit. “Your involvement with the Brit, for one.”
I reach to rub my forehead, but the chains keep me in place. “My involvement with the Brit? What are you talking about? Are you doing drugs or something? Should I call someone in to help you?”
He smiles again, but it’s not a real smile. It’s more of an amused look that’s both wandering and arrogant. “Why don’t you tell me what you took from Legacy Bank, then we’ll see who it is we’re calling.”
“Legacy Bank?” My eyebrows squish together. “What? I didn’t take anything from Legacy. You’re going to have to be a lot more transparent here, gangster. I’m at a loss and I can’t remember a damn thing that happened after yesterday afternoon.”
“That’ll wear off soon.” He stands from the bed and straightens his suit jacket.
“What will wear off soon?” My chest tightens. “Did you drug me?”
He looks away, his jaw set straight. “There were men ambushing the boat, and you were going after my guys. You couldn’t be trusted, so I subdued you with a little Isoflurane. It’s not toxic.”
He’s saying so many words that my brain can’t keep up. “So… what? Who was ambushing the boat?” I pull at the chains hooked to my wrists. “Let me out of this.”
“No way. You’re stronger than you look. You punched my buddy Dante in the face and left a good mark. You’re good where you are.”
I glance down at my hands, noting the red bumps on my knuckles.Why was I fighting?My heart races faster as I look over the rest of my body as best I can. I don’t see any immediate bruising, but I can’t see much in the position I’m in.
“You’re fine,” he grumbles. “I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.” He tilts his head to the side, his dark eyes staring back at me with some sort of torment, like he wants to let me out of the chains, but for some reason, he can’t.
I suck in a deep breath, close my eyes and let it out slowly, centering myself before I speak. “Okay.” I exhale. “I was turned up last night for whatever reason. I’m sorry. But as you can see, I’ve calmed down now, and you can let me go.”