Page 2 of Fire and Flames
He stares back at me, his brows drawn together thoughtfully, that arrogant smile on his face again. “Nice try, Cinderella. That’s not happening.”
I’m not sure what the Cinderella thing is about, but it’s not my top priority. Something about being chained to a bed is superseding name calling.
“You’re like seven feet tall. How could I hurt you?”
“Dante is just as tall as me, and you punched him in the face.”
“And I just said I made a mistake!” I’m shouting the words before I realize I’m shouting.
“Yes, you seem like you’ve regained control of yourself.”
His comment annoys me, but I don’t show it. “And chaining a woman up is sane?”
“I’m not the one claiming to be stable,” he laughs.
“Which is good, because you’re not.”
He looks a way with a tight jaw, then turns back again, stroking his hand down over his beard. “This is why you’re still locked up. Haven’t you ever heard of buttering people up?”
“Does that translate to Italian? Your accent might be the only good thing you have going for you, gangster.”
“I’ve lived in Miami since I was a teen. Everything translates. Also, it’s nice to hear you giving compliments. Maybe I’ll unchain you sooner than later.”
I roll my eyes. “I have to pee. Where’s the bathroom?”
“Only good girls get to use the bathroom.” There’s a slight growl in his tone that’s both sexy and incredibly irritating.
We stare at each other, our gaze meeting in a silent game of wills, a stand-off like the old west, minus the guns. I’ll get stabbed in the eye before I blink. He doesn’t know who he’s messing with.
Another few seconds go by, and he looks away, loosening the chain from the bed, then freeing my wrists.
“You made the right decision, gangster,” I say, smiling at him amusingly. “I wouldn’t have quit.”
His jaw sets harder, and he stares back at me as though he knows he made a mistake,a big one.What is it about men? They all think they want a strong woman until they get one. Then it’s all posturing and nonsense. This is why I’m single.
“A few things have changed since you were brought aboard,” he gripes, “and I need you to listen carefully.”
I fold my arms in front of my chest and squeeze my legs together, pinching back the urine that’s threatening my bladder. I guess he doesn’t realize how bad I have to go, but I have a feeling the sooner he gets this out, the sooner life goes back tonormal. “Okay, I’m listening.”
He stands from the bed and towers over me. I’m not sure we’ve ever been this close. I’ve been on the boat for seven days, that I can remember, and he’s done his best to stay at a distance. Even at dinner, he chose to stay in his room rather than come and eat with me. I see why now. He had a plan, though I’m still not one hundred percent sure what it is. Either way, he’s imposing at this angle… and he knows it, too. His expression has changed to this satisfying look that makes my stomach turn.
“First off,” he says, “the men from your past may have dealt with mouthy women, but I don’t. Not in my personal life, and certainly not in situations like this. So, to keep everyone safe, there are a few rules you’re going to follow.”
I want to fall over laughing, but I bite my bottom lip, and hold on to the giggles for fear of pissing myself, but the self-control still counts.
I can see he’s ruffled by my silence, which I kind of enjoy.
“Rule number one… you do as I say. You don’t question me. You don’t argue with me. You don’t think you know better. You just obey.”
Obey?I bite back more laughter. Ugh, okay…
“Rule number two… I’m not Dante. You hit me, I’ll hit you back, and it will hurt.”
“Wow, you’re such a sweetheart,” I say condescendingly. “I can see why you’re surrounded by so many women.”
His jaw clenches tighter. “I believe in equal rights. Isn’t that a positive?”
I finally roll my eyes. “This pissing thing, can we make it happen? I’d hate to ruin these…” I search for something nice to say, then decide to say it like it is, “these basic blue sheets.”