Page 89 of Last One to Know
"No. That's Kade Beckham, the man my mother has been sending money to since he was a child. The son of the security guard that was shot in New York."
Her lips tightened. "He's in San Francisco?"
"Yes. My mom let him stay in her downstairs flat while he was getting ready for a show at an art gallery."
Rachel's gaze turned toward the window, but her profile was hard and a little angry.
"You didn't know?" I asked her.
"No," she said in a clipped voice. "That was a mistake."
"Why was it a mistake?"
"The light is green," she said, ignoring my question.
I drove through the intersection. "I don't believe my mom met Kade's mom at a community center by chance. There's no way anyone supports a complete stranger for twenty years because of a brief meeting. I need to know the truth, Rachel, so I can protect myself and my mom, and maybe Kade, too."
"I understand. I said I'll talk to your investigator."
"And Kade," I said. "He deserves to know the truth."
"Fine, but I don't want to have to go through it twice," Rachel said, a hard note in her voice. "You'll have to wait."
I didn't want to wait, but I didn't have a choice.
We arrived at the café a few minutes later. Jeremy was seated at a table but got up to greet us.
"This is Rachel," I said. "She's my mom's twin sister."
Jeremy looked more than a little surprised. "Well, that is not the new information I expected to hear. I never saw any trace of a sister in your mother's life."
"That's the way we wanted it," Rachel said.
"Can I get you some coffee?" Jeremy asked.
"No thanks," I said, as I sat down at the table.
"I could use a coffee. I'll get it," Rachel said, heading toward the counter.
"Where did you find her?" Jeremy asked as he took his seat.
"I ran into her in a restroom at the hospital. She hasn't told me much," I said, my gaze moving toward the counter where Rachel was ordering coffee. "I'm hoping that will change now." I paused as Kade came into the café.
"I was worried about you when I got back to the house and saw you weren't there," he said. "I thought you were going to stay home."
"A lot has happened," I told him, as he sat down next to me. "My mom woke up, and I spoke to her for a few minutes. And then I ran into my mom's twin sister in the hospital restroom."
"Twin sister?" he echoed. "Are you serious?"
"She's right over there." I turned toward the counter and then realized Rachel wasn't there. "Wait, where is she?" I jumped to my feet as my pulse began to race.
"Maybe the restroom," Jeremy suggested.
I ran down the hallway toward the restrooms. Both were empty. Right across from them was a back door, leading out of the café. I ran outside, my gaze scanning the parking lot, but there was no sign of Rachel.
Kade and Jeremy joined me outside.
"She's gone," I said. "Dammit. I thought we were finally going to get some answers."