Page 90 of Last One to Know
"Do you think someone grabbed her when she went to the restroom?" Kade asked.
I met his gaze, wishing that were true. "No. I think she left so she wouldn't have to tell me the truth. I should have kept a closer eye on her, but she seemed willing to meet with you both…" My voice faded away. "But she lied, and I shouldn't be surprised, because she and my mom have been lying their entire lives. Maybe nothing she told me was true."
"What did she tell you?"Kade asked.
"Let's go inside," I said. "I'll fill you in."
We moved back into the café, where the barista was calling out Rachel's name. I decided to get her coffee, since I could use a shot of caffeine. Along with the drink came an iced cinnamon roll. I took that to the table, too.
"Maybe something happened to her," Kade said. "She did order coffee and food."
"I think that was just part of her plan. She went along with me until it was easy for her to slip away." I sipped her coffee, which was delicious and probably exactly what I would have ordered. That was weird. I shrugged that thought out of my mind as I focused on the men at the table. "I ran into Rachel at the hospital. I knew instantly she was related to me. Our eyes are the same. She tried to run away from me. I chased her down the stairs and made her talk to me."
"What did you learn?" Kade asked.
"Not that much. She said she didn't want to tell the story twice so when she agreed to speak to Jeremy, she said she'd explain it all then."
"How did you get her to agree to talk to me?" Jeremy asked curiously.
"I told her it was you or the police, that she owed it to me because someone wasn't just trying to kill my mother but also me. Rachel said maybe you could help her find someone. Before you ask, she didn't say who that someone was." I took another sip of coffee as that thought made me feel stressed. "Here's what she did say about the past she shared with my mother. Their parents died when they were young. They lived with some neighbor named Mrs. Hursh. I don't know where that was. Mrs. Hursh taught my mother music. But she couldn't take care of them at some point, and they were split up for three years and put into foster care. They reconnected after high school. My mother got a scholarship to NYU for music and convinced Rachel to go with her."
"They were in New York," Kade said, his mouth tightening.
"Yes. I asked her why my mom was sending your mother money. Rachel said that my mom met you and your mom at a community center in New York shortly after your dad died and that she felt a strong connection to you. She wanted to help."
"By sending a stranger money?" he challenged, a gleam of disbelief in his eyes.
"That's what I asked. Rachel stuck to her answer, but she was surprised and annoyed that my mother had invited you to stay in her downstairs flat."
"There's more to that story," Kade said.
"I agree." I looked at Jeremy. "Maybe you can find some evidence of my mother at NYU. My mom told me that she had me when she was twenty-two. That could have been a lie as well, but if it's not, you might be able to figure out what years she was there."
"Definitely worth a shot," Jeremy said. "But she was probably registered under a different name."
"I think she would have taken music classes. That might have been her major."
"That helps to narrow it down."
"Wait a second," Kade said suddenly. "Did you say your mom woke up?"
"Oh, right, I kind of buried that, didn't I? Yes. She woke up, and they removed the tubes, so I was able to talk to her. She looked right at me and said she was sorry. She also said she doesn't know who shot her and doesn't remember anything about that day."
"But she remembered you, and surely she knows her past," Kade said.
"She wouldn't tell me anything except she left to protect me, and she didn't want it to be for nothing. She started shouting at me to go home, to leave, to stop asking questions. Then her blood pressure went up, and the machines went off, and the doctor told me to go. My mother was sedated. I hope I didn't mess up her recovery by pressing too hard."
"You're trying to help her stay alive," Kade said. "Did the doctor say it was a setback?"
"She just said my mom needs time to rest and heal. I'm afraid she won't have that time if she doesn't tell us where to find the person who is trying to kill her."
"You don't think it's her sister, do you?" Jeremy asked.
"I can't believe it would be, but I have to admit it crossed my mind."
"We don't know if the person hiring muscle on the web is a man or a woman," Kade added.