Page 77 of Next Time I Fall
"It sounds like you were going to do it if she didn't."
He nodded. "I was relieved she wanted to end things. Chloe is one of the best people I know, and I care about her, but we don't have much in common. And as much as I want kids, I'm not ready to be a father." Joel blew out a breath. "So, that's that."
"It sounds like you made the best decision."
"I hope so."
"There's something I need to tell you, Joel."
Joel gave him a questioning look. "Are we breaking up, too?" he joked. "Because that's exactly the way Chloe started our conversation last night."
"I'm interested in Chloe," he said shortly.
Surprise ran through Joel's eyes. "Oh. I had no idea. But you're not going to be here very long."
"I know that. But I'm here now."
"I can't imagine Chloe being interested in a short-term thing."
"What if she was? Would that bother you?"
Joel thought about that for a moment. "I'd be concerned. I wouldn't want either of you to get hurt, and that would be a likely outcome. But Chloe and I aren't together anymore, so that's up to you and her. Just be careful, Decker. She has a kid, and I've already seen how much Leo likes you."
"I know the risks."
"Well, I think you have your work cut out for you, because Chloe is looking for a long-term relationship, a forever guy, and you've never wanted to be that. But maybe Whisper Lake will change you."
"You thought it changed you, and it didn't," he pointed out.
"I don’t know about that. The six months I've been here have provided some clarity. I know I want more in my life than just work and eventually I'll get out of Manhattan. But I also realize that I like the game, the business, the networking, and the dinners." He shrugged. "Sometimes you have to step away from your life and then you either move farther away, or you go back."
Joel's words felt oddly prophetic. But he wasn't going to step away from his life. He was just going to do what he always did, have fun in the moment. Chloe knew he was leaving. He wasn't leading her on. They were both aware of the risks.
"Let's ride," he said. "I'm stiffening up."
"It's all downhill from here," Joel said. "You'll be fine."
He wondered about that. This ride might be all downhill, but he had a feeling there were still a few mountains to get over when it came to the rest of his life.
"Decker," Leo said excitedly, letting go of Chloe's hand to sprint toward the man walking down the dock Monday afternoon.
Chloe had to fight the urge to do the same thing.
As Decker picked Leo up, she said, "I'm glad you could make it."
"I'm looking forward to it. I haven't seen the lake from a boat since the last time I was here."
"You went out on a boat then?"
"It wasn't as big as this one," he said, his gaze moving past her to Adam's boat. "But I remember going in and out of some really cool coves."
"There are lots of coves around the lake. I think you'll enjoy the sail."
"I already am," he said huskily, his eyes telling her more than his words.
She wanted to tell him she'd missed him. She wanted to kiss him, but her very curious little boy was between them.
"Can we go on the boat now?" Leo asked.