Page 78 of Next Time I Fall
"Let's do that," she said, leading the way.
Once on board, they said hello to her friends. Adam and Molly were there as well as Gianna, Zach and Hailey, and Hannah and Jake.
"Looks like we're all here," Adam said, as he put a lifejacket on Leo.
"No Lizzie or Chelsea?" she asked.
"They'll meet us for the barbecue," Adam replied. "Decker, why don't you come up front? You can help me get off the dock."
"Sure," Decker said, giving her a smile before he followed Adam.
"I want to go up front, too," Leo declared, with Hailey chiming in with the same request.
"I'll take these two," Zach offered. "Okay, Chloe?"
"Of course."
Zach, Jake, and the kids joined Adam and Decker, leaving the women in the back of the boat.
"Looks like Decker is going to get some questions," Hannah said with a sly smile.
"I thought we weren't grilling until the barbecue," she said dryly.
Hannah laughed. "Good one, Chloe. I'm sure Adam just wants to get to know Decker better."
"And let us talk about Decker behind his back," Gianna said with a gleam in her eyes. "So, what's going on? Hannah said you broke up with Joel."
"I hope that wasn't a secret," Hannah cut in.
"It's not a secret, and I did break up with him. As for Decker, he'll only be here for another month, maybe six weeks, so none of you should get too worked up about him."
"It could be an entertaining six weeks," Molly put in, a sparkle in her eyes.
She grinned. "It could be," she said, unable to hide her happiness. There was probably pain coming down the road, but for now, all was good.
"I'm happy for you," Gianna said. "You deserve to have fun."
She shook her head. "I don't think any of you should be happy for me. You should be telling me a fling is a bad idea, that I might get my heart broken again, that I should really only date someone who lives here." As her doubts came out in her words, she saw her friends' expressions change. "Sorry, I was talking to myself more than anyone else."
"All of that could be true," Gianna said slowly.
"But not every relationship has to be forever," Hannah argued.
"You have to go with your gut, Chloe," Molly said. "Follow your heart wherever it leads."
"It already led me over one cliff. I'm not sure I make the best decisions when it comes to men."
"Oh, please," Hannah said. "You were sixteen when you fell in love with Kevin. That was a long time ago."
"Thanks for reminding me how old we are."
"You know what I mean. This is totally different. You're different. You know what you want and, more importantly, what you need. I say, sit back, and enjoy the ride."
"I think I will," she said with a laugh, as the boat picked up speed. Her gaze moved to Decker, who was at the wheel and probably responsible for their speed. He was laughing with the guys and having fun. He really was an easy person to be around. Everyone liked him, and she was going to let herself like him, too, for however long she could.
"Someone is tired,"Decker commented as he walked her and Leo to their car after the barbecue, which had ended around seven.