Page 36 of One Cut Deeper
slaverainy: Yes. 3 days.
littlewren: Do we know him?
slaverainy: No.
littlewren: R u happy?
slaverainy: Immensely.
The screen fills with unicorn GIFs, all sparkly and dainty.Littlewren’s favorite thing.
DaddyBear: We love & worry about u. Tell us about him. Please. Does ur family know?
My throat tightens, but not with resentment. They’ve talked me down from more cliffs than my parents will ever know. They listened without judgment when I agonized over losing Josh and realized how low I sank with him. How I’d deliberately killed my own identity. Suddenly my fingers fly, the words moving too quickly for me to read my own story about Charlie bubbling up on the screen.
slaverainy: He insisted my family know and talked to my dad. We spent xmas there. He’s away on a business trip but I’m going to be ok because he gave me a list of instructions. He wanted me to connect with friends so here I am. He’s amazing and gorgeous and patient and kind but he also has a dark side that he lets out just for me. So hard, so fierce, so scary. I love it. I love him. I know that’s crazy in only 3 days but I do. He’s already done more for me than stpaulDom7 ever knew to do. How to keep me balanced and stable yet give me exactly the pain I need. He knows everything. EVERYTHING. And he still wants me.
DaddyBear: Of course he wants u. Just be careful. Would he be willing to talk to us? We want u to be safe. Lots of predators out there looking for littles and slaves to abuse. Way 2 many end up dead. Not on my watch.
slaverainy: Maybe. He’s gone a lot for work. Do u see any warning signs in what I told u?
The screen blinks for what seems an uncomfortably long time.
DaddyBear: He hurts u like u need. But does he scare u?
slaverainy: Yes. But not in a bad way. It makes me squirmy horny.I sent a blushing emoji to match my red cheeks.Plus he insists on a safeword.
DaddyBear: U have bruises?
slaverainy: Some. *shrug*
DaddyBear: Marks? Cuts?
slaverainy: Tooth marks, yes. No cuts.
littlewren: Biter, huh? Meow.
slaverainy: Dark, beautiful bites. Gorgeous. *shivers*
I check my watch and use my job as an excuse. Iflittlewrenbegins asking about his technique, I wasn’t ever going to get to work.
slaverainy: Have 2 go 2 work.
Daddybear: Talk to him about us and see if he’ll meet us. B happy. B safe.
littlewren: Maybe a pic of those bruises l8r? Love u, Rainy! Hugs!
slaverainy: Love u 2.
Smiling, I shut my laptop down and whistle for Sheba. Charlie was right. Reconnecting with my friends makes me feel worlds better. Any time I start to feel too lonely and lost without him, my friends are only a few clicks away.
Panting, I drop my head down on the pillow and still my fingers. I’m so drenched, so close, hot and tight and swollen. If I’m not careful, I’ll come as soon as the phone rings, in anticipation of hearing his voice. Thirty minutes of edging is brutal enough, but the real test was thinking about it all day. As much as I hate to admit it, knowing I had this time to prepare myself for him helped me get through the day until I could talk to him.
When it was finally time to head to his bedroom, I hardly needed to touch myself to feel the first coiling of pleasure tightening in my abdomen.
My phone rings and I bite back a groan.Yes. Finally.Using my left hand, I answer his call. “Charlie.”