Page 37 of One Cut Deeper
“How’s my kitten?”
Just hearing his voice adds to the torment. “Okay. I miss you.”
“I miss you too. Did the day creep by or were you able to enjoy yourself at all?”
He didn’t tell me to stop edging myself, but touching myself while listening to his voice is pure torture. I want his fingers squeezing those pressure points, his eyes dark with desire, his mouth… I swallow down a gasp. “I made it to work.”
“I expected nothing less.” His voice lightens and I can hear the grin in his words. He loves knowing how close I am, how hard I have to fight not to come while trying to have a normal conversation. “Dr. Wentworth said she didn’t know what she’d do without you. You like your job?”
“Yes.” My breathing quickens, nearly a pant. My butt cheek cramps, only increasing my torment. I’m so wet, I might have to change the sheets before settling in to sleep. “I don’t like dealing with people as much as animals. But I’ve learned a lot.”
He suddenly sharpens his voice. “Am I going to have to punish you for crossing a hard limit?”
My back bows and I clench my thighs together, trying to hold back the climax threatening to make me scream. “What?”
“You sound like you’ve been running.”
A joke, though I barely have enough air to laugh. “Not hardly, Master. Just edging, as you ordered.”
“What are you using to keep that sweet pussy humming with desire?”
His voice lowers to a purr that makes me shudder. I bite my lip so hard I taste blood. “Just my fingers.”
“You don’t like toys much.”
“I don’t dislike them,” I say quickly, in case he wants me to use that butt plug. “But I don’t need them.”
“What do you need?”
“You, just you.”
“Are you wet?”
“Yes.” My voice catches on a groan I can’t contain. “Please, Master.”
“Did you need pain to get this far?”
“No. Just thinking about you.”
“Good.” He chuckles, a deep rumble that makes my clit throb against my fingers. “Nobody hurts you but me.”
Everything tightens, my hips rising off the mattress. I’m going to come and there isn’t anything I can do to stop it. “Master!”
“Now, Ranay. Let me hear you.”
My breath rushes out on a guttural cry. Muscles wrenching tight, I lose track of the phone. I plunge my fingers deep, but it isn’t enough. I want his cock filling me up, his weight trapping me beneath him. I moan with frustration as much as pleasure. It’s good, but not what I need.
Lifting my head, I fumble around for the phone and raise it back to my ear.
As soon as he hears my breathing, he whispers my name.
“As soon as I get home, I’m going to bury myself in that pussy so deep you’ll swear you can feel me in your throat.”