Page 24 of My Perfect Puck
“Thank you for the best date ever,” I say. “I never thought I would get to shower in the Viking’s locker room, so thank you.”
Aiden drops a kiss to my forehead.
Fuck, I love it when he does that.
“You’re welcome,” Aiden says, winking in a way that makes me want to drag him back to the bench seat. “I told you it would be better this way. Didn’t I?”
He grins and goddamn.
“Yes. Yes, you did,” I admit, holding his arm as we step inside the lobby. “Trust me, I don’t think I’ll be standing in front of random people stark naked again anytime soon.”
He chuckles. “Damn right you won’t.”
He leans forward and presses the button on the elevator. I lean into his side, breathing the last hint of hockey arena smell in his shirt as he curls an arm around my shoulder. A warmth takes over my body as the elevator dings and the door rolls open.
We ride the elevator up and Aiden leads the way towards his apartment. As we draw nearer, a deep thumping of bass music fills the silence of the corridor. A frown draws across my brow and when I look up to Aiden, his eyes have narrowed.
“What is it?”
Aiden’s nose twitches. “It sounds like your brother is throwing one of hissurpriseparties.”
I’m not sure what makes me do it, but my hand drops Aiden’s. In amongst the magic that tonight has been, the fact that Aiden lived with my brother had completely escaped my mind.
Shit. Holy fucking shit.
A nervous wave races through my body. I’ve just had sex with my brother’s best friend. Not only that, but he’s his roommate. He’s his teammate!
Aiden swipes his key and the door clicks open. My stomach is twisting and turning inside my body as loud music smashes against my head the second the door swings on the hinges.
The clean, quiet apartment that we left earlier is now a wild scene of half-naked girls and loud guys. They’re all yelling, chanting and drinking like they’re back in college. The girls are dancing on guys who are pressed against the wall. They have smiles plastered on their faces as they drown their bodies with beer after beer.
I’m glued to the spot, my mouth hanging open. A few people wave at us, encouraging us to come in. And then I see the only familiar face in the crowd, and he’s beaming with a child-like smile, passing around a beer-bong…
My brother, ladies and gentlemen.
“Fucking hell, Bailey,” Aiden growls.
He steps inside and tosses his wallet and keys to a table by the door. I feel like my whole body is shaking. Can we just turn around and leave? Hell, I don’t need Bailey. I don’t need any of these people. All I want is to have Aiden, and Aiden only.
“Bailey!” Aiden shouts, his deep voice belting out even over the thumping bass. “BAILEY!”
A few topless girls twirl in front of Aiden as he passes. They’re looking at him like a fresh piece of meat they seek to devour. One of them trails a fingernail down his shirt, flapping her fake lashes at him as he storms across the room.
“WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?” Aiden yells, swatting the girls away as he reaches my brother. “Your sister is here! What are you doing?”
He doesn’t turn to face me, but Aiden’s cheeks glow red as he thrusts a finger in my direction. I swallow hard as a few people, mainly the ones who don’t have breasts in their face or a beer being tipped down their throat, stare across at me standing by the door.
Then my brother’s eyes lock on mine.
I barely hear Bailey mumble my name, but I see his lips move and he makes to walk over to me. Aiden towers in behind him, a scowl deepening across his forehead. A girl slips under Bailey’s arm as he approaches me, and I can’t help but think… At least I’m not the only Hill that looks like shit.
“Ness! You made it!” Bailey says, a slight slur in his words.
The blond beneath his arm is gripping his chest and I feel her eyes swiftly move up and down my body. She’s clearly beautiful. And thin. She’s exactly the type of girl I would expect my brother to be involved with.
“Yes, I did,” I say. “Your roommate took me out for-” A weird lump suddenly wedges in my throat and I see Aiden’s eyes grow round behind Bailey. “Dinner. He took me out for dinner.”