Page 25 of My Perfect Puck
Bailey spins and slaps Aiden on the chest with an open palm. “Onya, bud! Cheers!”
Aiden holds his expression and stares blankly at Bailey. His face is blank. Hard and emotionless. It’s completely different to the man I’ve loved spending every minute with tonight and it’s not just me who notices.
“Jeez, man…” Bailey says, running a hand down the girls back to meet her backside. “Did she suck all the life out of you, too? She can do that.”
My brother looks to me and winks.
“Fuck you,” I grunt, narrowing my eyes at him. “Nice to see you too, asshole.”
The girl's mouth drops, but Bailey just rolls his head back and laughs.
“Ah, little sis… You’ll never change.” Bailey slaps Aiden’s chest again and spins on the spot. “Come on, Big Fella, I owe you a drink. You didn’t have to hang out with that buzzkill all night, so cheers.”
Bailey takes a few steps and there’s a sudden silence in the room. Perhaps the song has just changed. Maybe the fucking stereo has blown up from being played too loud?
Or perhaps, the fact that Aiden has slumped in behind me and is curling his hand around my waist has my ears banging so loudly I’ve gone deaf.
“Don’t speak to her like that.”
Aiden’s deep voice almost sends me across the room. Bailey turns around and the look on his face is a mix of confusion and amusement. Aiden’s barrel chest thumps against my back and his hand grips my belly tighter and tighter the more Bailey’s face brightens with glee.
“What? What are you-”
“I think you should be happy to see your sister. She’s travelled a long way to visit you in the hope you might want to spend some time with her.”
I gulp down and try to turn in Aiden’s arms. “Aiden, please… It’s not worth it.”
Bailey chuckles and plucks a half-empty beer bottle from the table. He draws a swig and tosses it to the floor.
“Yeah,Aiden.It’s not worth it.” Bailey’s cheeks are flushed, but the reddish tinge is darkening. “Pfft.No wonder you’re still single, man. If you’re going after girls like her…” Bailey blows his cheeks out and flicks his brows. “Wow.”
My fingers start to curl into a fist. I should be used to it, and I am to a point. I didn’t think coming to stay with my brother was going to be fun. I never thought it would magically repair the fractured relationship we’ve always had.
No. That’s not why I’m here.
It was just a way for me to escape. It was easy. It’s an outlet for me to run away from the trouble I’ve had moving on from Ethan. I needed to get away after losing my job, and with no prospects in the pipeline, it was a matter of buying time to evaluate my career and where I wanted to go with my life.
I didn’t need Bailey. I just needed a place that would help me find that reset button.
And with the big man behind me, a hot and heavy breath whistling in his flaring nostrils, I think I might have found exactly what I didn’t know I needed.
“Just leave us alone, Bailey.” I grab Aiden’s hand and march forward. “From the moment I got off that plane and you weren’t there; I’ve been sorry I came here.”
I storm my way past the crowd, making damn sure my shoulder collides with Bailey’s on the way. I push through a group of grown men playing beer pong in the living room and speed down the corridor.
With my heart in my mouth, I twist the doorknob on my bedroom door and go to step inside.
“What the fuck!” I scream, clutching my mouth.
My eyes burn at the sight before my eyes. Suddenly my throat is fighting back bile and I swear that dessert is destined to repeat on me at some point tonight.
All I can see are naked limbs, bent and twisted on the bed. There’s tits and ass, hairy man chest and… A bag of potato chips? I shake my head and close my eyes, hoping I’m just exhausted and starting to see things. But no. Four bodies are sprawled out, thrusting and moaning in what I can only describe as a foursome right there on the pillow I’m supposed to be sleeping on tonight.
My legs give way and I’m crumbling to the floor.
Fuck my life. Fuck. My. Life.