Page 84 of Lock and Key
When we made it to the kitchen again, Jack got back to making breakfast while I sat on the counter and watched. This man, no matter what, was always taking care of me.
I’d love him forever for it.
Months later
“I’m so excited.”
Jack’s hand squeezed mine at my declaration. “About tomorrow?”
“It’s been a long time since you last saw her, hasn’t it?” he asked.
I nodded as we continued to walk beside one another, and I confirmed, “I haven’t seen Waverly since I moved to Cottonwood.”
“Well, this is going to be a long overdue visit then,” he reasoned.
I smiled brightly at him. “Thank you for being okay with her staying for a few days.”
He returned the smile and said, “The look on your face is precisely the reason why I’m okay with it. Besides, she’s your best friend, and I think it’s long past the time that I meet her.”
“This is true.”
Jack jerked his chin out and advised, “Watch your step.”
I tore my eyes away from him and focused on what was in front of me.
Jack and I were outside, and it was late June.
Ever since the weather started to turn and warm up a bit, the two of us spent as much of our time outside as we could. And over the last several months, I learned something about our relationship. It was just as great now as it had been in the beginning. In fact, I was inclined to say it might have been even better.
If I had to choose one word to describe what life was like with Jack, I could easily do it.
The two of us had so much fun.
We spent our days together every day, and we never got sick of it. We enjoyed each other’s company in all the ways that it came. Whether it was making meals together, celebrating a birthday, having sex, feeding the animals, or going out for some exercise by hiking the land, there wasn’t anything that we didn’t enjoy.
I never experienced moments when I didn’t want to be around him. I never had times when I asked him to give me space.
I loved him. I always wanted to be near him.
Fortunately for me, Jack felt the same about me, so it worked out well for the both of us.
Of course, we didn’t just keep ourselves holed up in the cabins. We got out occasionally to go into town. Those visits were few and far in between, but we did make sure to visit with his family regularly.
If we had to leave the cabins, it was the visits with his family that I enjoyed the most. I’d become so much closer to all of them over the last few months. I’d exchanged numbers with his sisters, Lila, and Christine. We had made plans on a few occasions to get together, and I couldn’t have been more excited about that.
Jack had truly given me a family.
I didn’t have the same to give to him, but I did have my best friend. And since school was finally out, she was coming to Cottonwood to visit with me for the first time since I’d made my move here.
I couldn’t wait to see her.