Page 85 of Lock and Key
I couldn’t wait to introduce her to Jack.
I couldn’t wait for the two most important people in my life to finally be with me in the same place at the same time.
And I couldn’t wait to catch her up on all the things that I just didn’t want to share in a simple phone call.
So, it was just as I said to Jack. I was so excited to see her tomorrow.
We were on our way back from our walk, approaching our cabins. “It’ll be cool to share everything going on here with her,” Jack said.
“I was just thinking that very thing,” I told him. “There’s a lot I wanted to share with her that I’ve held back, because I want to tell her in person.”
“Well, I have an idea for another thing you can tell her when she gets here,” he declared.
“Really? What?” I asked him.
“Oh, stop here for a second,” he said.
I stopped, looked down at the ground, and wondered, “Why am I stopping?”
There was nothing on the ground that I needed to avoid, so I was a bit confused.
“Do you remember this?” he asked.
I looked around, unsure what specifically he was referring to. “Do I remember what?”
“This,” he said, not indicating anything. “This spot, Dakota. Do you remember?”
Nothing he was saying was making any sense to me. We were standing outside in a spot between our two cabins, but there was nothing there, so I was still just as confused.
“Jack, I have no idea what I’m supposed to be remembering,” I informed him.
His eyes roamed over my face for a long time. “It was just over four months ago that you and I officially spoke to each other for the first time in this very spot,” he shared.
It took me a few seconds, but everything came flooding back. “The wild bison encounter.”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“Is it crazy that it feels like that was a lifetime ago?” I asked.
Shaking his head, he answered, “Not at all. In fact, I feel the same way.”
Before I could respond to his words, Jack did something I hadn’t been expecting. He shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet ring box. The moment I saw it, something squeezed in my chest.
This couldn’t be real. Maybe I was still curled up in bed, sleeping and dreaming of the day this would eventually happen.
No way.
No way was he going to do this now.
My heart hammered in my chest, just like it had the last time I stood in this spot. Only now, I didn’t fear for my life.
Now, I was in love with a man who meant everything to me. A man who had changed my life in a way that only he could.
“For far too long, I walked around feeling an emptiness that I can’t begin to describe,” he started. “Then you stood in this spot, facing off with a wild bison, and everything changed. From that day forward, I started living again. I wanted nothing more than to take care of you, to talk to you, to spend time with you, and ultimately, to love you. You brought me back to life, and I don’t want to waste another minute without letting you know just how much you mean to me.”
Tears had welled up in my eyes as Jack dropped to one knee while he held my hand in his.
“Dakota, sweetheart, I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and looking after you. I want to have a family with you and build a life with you. I want us to grow old together, right here in the mountains. Will you marry me?”