Page 10 of Fall of a King
“Mia, we have to move him now and get him to a hospital if he’s going to have any chance!” Tom shouts, already motioning to his two men to help lift Theo’s ravaged body. Finn gets up, cradling Theo’s head gently.
“Is he breathing, Tom?” I cry out, fear skating down my body.
“Barely, Mia, we have to go now.” Tom, Finn, and the two security guys move past me with Theo in their grasp, and they run up the stairs with his prone form. Turning back to look at Carter, I witness as he breaks down and sobs, tears cascading down his face.
“I tried to save him, Mia; I did, but he was so broken already.” His words come out through gasps between sobs.
“I know, Carter, I know. Let’s get you out of here and get medical attention. Can you stand?”
He nods, but his body buckles beneath him when he tries to stand up. Mateo moves to one side, and Diego appears from where I don’t know, taking his other side.
“We got you, bro.” Mateo grits out, taking most of Carter’s weight as he and Diego move him out of that room.
I watch them climb the stairs with Carter’s dead weight between them. Turning back into the room, Manuel is coming towards me. “Any sign of Vincent?” I question, my voice filled with hostility and rage.
“Nothing yet, but Mack Pemberton’s body is lying in one of those rooms back there, dead.” He stops in front of me, eyes gazing around at the sick dungeon before us.
“Manuel, burn this fucking place to the ground, leave nothing standing.” Moving away from him, I start heading towards the stairs.
“Yes, little reina!” He shouts back at me.
I take one last look at the sick and depraved sex dungeon that Vincent Saint-Lambert tortured his only son in. The only thing giving me satisfaction is knowing that it will all be burnt to the ground, and Theo will never have to step back into this house again.
Climbing the stairs rapidly, I make my way out of that sinister space and into the night air, moving towards my four kings and, apparently, my new fiancee.
Chapter 6
“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.” Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code
Ipacethehallwayfloors outside the waiting room Mateo, Mia, and Diego are tensely sitting in. Carter is in the room behind me getting patched up and his dislocated shoulder put back into place. Theo was rushed straight into surgery, the doctors believing that he had internal bleeding and a ruptured spleen. God, this is a fucking nightmare. When will this shit end?
My body shudders and I run my hands down my face to try to banish the image of Carter and Theo on that dirty, bloody floor. Theo not breathing and a terrified Carter refusing to let me turn him over; that image will haunt me until the day I fucking die. I’ve never been so frightened in my life than when I walked into the room and saw the two of them. Vincent almost killed both of them, that sadistic deranged monster.
Raising my head, I stare back into the waiting room. Diego, the snake, is sitting next to Mia, speaking to her in hushed whispers and trying to calm her down. She’s been sobbing for the last hour, and the fucker hasn’t left her side. As much as I want to hate him, and make no mistake, I fucking do. Without him and his men, there is no way we could have rescued Theo and Carter. That doesn’t mean the first chance I get, I’m not putting my fist in his face. If he thinks his little threat will dissuade me, he’s about to meet my fist over and over.
A cold sweat breaks out down my back at the thought of what would have happened if they had been in that dungeon any longer. If Mia hadn’t made a deal with Manuel and Diego and we had waited for Stella’s army to arrive. Theo would have been dead, and Carter would likely have had another seizure or been beaten further by Vincent’s minions, or he most likely would be dead too. I would have lost both of them.
The thought of what Mia had to agree to in order to obtain Diego and his father’s help makes my body rigid, and my hands clench tightly at my side. The desire to go in there and knock Diego on his ass fills my body again. Fuck him and his threats; I’m not afraid of him, but he should be terrified of what will happen to him when all four of us go up against him. He’s not taking our girl from us.
What the fuck are we going to do? She can’t marry that cockroach; I don’t care what she signed. Fuck, what will happen when Theo eventually comes through and finds out she basically bargained herself away to save him and Carter? Hell, what will reckless, insane Carter do when he finds out that Diego Cabano is going to marry Mia?
I don’t know how Mateo is handling this right now. He hasn’t said much since Mia signed those papers, and he’s been staring at the same spot on the wall for the last thirty minutes in the waiting room. I’m worried Mateo will have a massive breakdown or do something reckless. My bet is he goes after Diego with his fists. Mateo isn’t violent by nature, but when he’s had enough, he throws down like nobody’s business. I almost want to see him knock that smug fucker, Diego, on his ass.
Speaking of asses, Manuel Cabano is strolling towards me down the hallway, covered in soot and with his features unreadable. He nods in acknowledgment as he passes me, walking into the waiting room where the others all are.
I trail behind him to see what the insect has to say. I don’t trust him not to try to manipulate Mia further, and I’ll be damned if we just took her out of Vincent Saint-Lambert’s grasp only to hand her over to Manuel Cabano.
“Papá?” Diego stands up and moves closer to his father, reaching out and giving him a man hug.
“The Saint-Lambert mansion is burning. All of it will be ash in a few hours, including the tunnels below. We captured a few more of Vincent’s men that were hiding out in the woods surrounding the house and trying to escape.” He runs a tired hand across his mouth, the smell of smoke wafting off him now that I’ve moved closer.
“Vincent?” Mia questions with raised eyebrows and a clenched jaw.
Manuel shakes his head. “We haven’t found him yet. We have Mack Pemberton’s body and the body of a young redheaded girl about your age.”
“Redheaded girl?” I question with confusion. Maybe one of Vincent’s whores?