Page 11 of Fall of a King
“The search has expanded to all the neighboring areas; we will find him.” Manuel declares, eyes hard.
I’ll just bet he has expanded that search. Without Vincent Saint-Lambert’s head, there is no marriage between Mia and his son. I hope Vincent’s dead somewhere, and we never find the lunatic.
Sharp, echoing footsteps make their way down the hallway, and then Stella Stratford enters the room with Clark flanking her. “Granddaughter,” Stella calls, her eyes narrowing on Mia and then turning to assess the rest of us.
Oh shit, the dragon queen has arrived. She’s about to go nuclear when she finds out what’s happened and what Mia’s agreed to. I’m so glad I am going to have a front-row seat to Stella ripping apart Manuel and Diego Cabano.
Mia’s eyes widen, and she gets up quickly from her seat, coming towards her grandmother. Her face is all blotchy and red from all the crying. She stands awkwardly and unsure in front of her until Stella opens her arms, and Mia rushes into them with a despondent sob on her lips. For a few moments, Stella holds her tight, cheek resting against Mia’s hair, whispering to her words I can’t hear and you can see the love she has for Mia.
Mia takes a deep, shuddering breath and moves back to stare at Stella. “Darling, it will all be alright. They are safe now.” Stella releases her hold on Mia’s body and turns her stern gaze once more through the room. Her eyes land on me, and then Mateo as she assesses our state. I nod back because I can tell by her expression she wants reassurance that we are alright.Are we actually alright? Who knows at this point?
Her glacial stare moves on to Manuel Cabano and then flickers to Diego. She releases Mia and steps around her, coming face to face with Manuel. Her hand flies up, and a crack is heard loudly in the room. Manuel’s face snaps to the side with the impact of Stella’s hand on his cheek. Clark immediately moves closer to her, and two other bodies, a female and a male I hadn’t noticed enter the room and stare at Stella in shock.
“How dare you take advantage of my granddaughter, you vermin.” Stella’s voice is low and coated in venom.
Manuel doesn’t move, and he doesn’t respond in any way. If I hadn’t watched Stella slap him and he wasn’t currently wearing the mark of her hand on his face, I would tell you nothing just happened by his reaction.
“Mrs. Stratford, what a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance.” His lips tilt up in a half smile, and his green eyes blaze.
“Grandmother.” Mia stares in horror at the mark on Manuel’s face.
“Mia, hush now, child. Enough damage has been done, and I mean to remedy it immediately.” Stella’s cold, frightening glare lands on Diego.
“Young man, if you think for one second my granddaughter will be forced into marrying your manipulative and conniving person, you are deadly wrong.” She dismisses Manuel and walks towards Diego.
It’s almost comical; she’s five foot five, if that, in her heels, in her sixties wearing a corporate black suit and a no-nonsense snarl across her face that would frighten and intimidate the hell out of Satan. Diego is six-three, probably two hundred plus pounds of muscle, with a vicious scar running down his face, and facing her like she’s the boogeyman. It’s the image of David and Goliath and Stella is ready to slay anyone that gets in her way.
“Welcome future abuela.” Diego slouches and smirks like he didn’t just watch her slap the shit out of his father. This guy has balls of steel.
A snort leaves my mouth before I can hold it back. If he has a death wish, I’ll grant it for him—no need for Stella or Mia to get their hands dirty taking out the trash.
Someone clears their throat from behind Clark and Stella, and I turn my gaze to a young, petite, dark brunette-haired female and a tall, blonde guy about my age. Who the hell is this now? Mia turns her gaze towards the two newcomers, her mouth hanging open and eyes wide.
“Sister, are you alright?” The brunette breaks the spell and moves forward towards Mia, wrapping her in her arms tightly and tears escaping from her eyes.
I watch as they hold each other, Mia with tears cascading down her face, arms tight around her sister’s slight frame, and the other girl’s tight grip on Mia. The blonde guy, whose hair is so light it’s almost white, turns his assessing glare toward me and then moves on to Mateo and Diego. The sister’s boyfriend, maybe? He looks like an uptight rich prick.
“How are you here, Isabella?” Mia wipes the back of her hand across her face and steps back from the embrace.
“What do you mean, how am I here? I came with grandmother to save my warrior princess sister. How could I not come if you are in danger, Mia?” Her voice is soft and lilting, like bells or music.
Isabella, from what I can see, is a tiny little thing. Her head barely reaches Mia’s chin in the flats she’s wearing. She’s dressed in dark slim denim jeans and a soft green top. Dark long wavy brunette strands hang down her back; bright blue eyes take up most of her face that has a delicate, almost doll-like look to it. Small full pouty lips and a slim hourglass frame make up the rest of her. Those eyes though, show strength and fierceness that is all Stella and Mia. She’s definitely a Stratford.
“Oh, Issy, how I missed you.” Mia tightens her grip once again on Isabella, and the two sisters rock back and forth in their joint hold.
“What am I invisible?” The blonde guy asks with a chuckle.
“Raven” Mia looks up at him with shock.
“Hello beautiful, miss me too or just Issy?” He stalks forward and pulls Mia into his grasp, hugging her snugly as he lifts her right off the floor.
My blood pressure immediately rises, and anger soars within my chest. The need to rip Mia away from him and knock him on his ass so he never touches her again fills me. I see Mateo out of the corner of my eye, standing with his shoulders squared, body tense, and by the expression on his face, ready to do some damage to the newcomer. Who is this guy holding our Mia like that?
When I gaze toward Diego, his eyes are entirely focused on Mia’s sister, Isabella. A look of desire and hunger across his expression. He’s not even trying to hide that he’s interested in her, his gaze giving off heat even from where I’m standing. I’m looking at a dead man standing; if Stella sees him staring like that.
“Who the fuck is this now?” I question, moving closer to Mia and wrapping my hand around her elbow, pulling her back towards my body and away from this new guy. Bile is filling my stomach at the way he’s looking at her, like he knows her intimately and has a claim on her. Fuck that; I’m about to commit murder up in here.
Raven’s eyes focus on my grasp of Mia’s arm and then trail up my arm to my face. His eyes narrowed and forehead furrowing with a glare. He’s tall, probably about my height, but I have fifty or sixty pounds of muscle on him. Fierce gray eyes meet mine, and his square jaw clenches tight. He looks like a pretty boy in his pressed slacks and button-down top, but his eyes are determined and filled with fire, like he’s ready and willing to go toe-to-toe with me. Bring it asswipe; I’ll clean the floor with you. I dare him with my eyes.