Page 70 of The Fear
"Let's all have juice," Amelia agrees, swapping the bottle of wine for cold-press apple juice from the fridge Jasmine has just stocked for me. My sisters have been amazing, and when I called them last night to tell them what happened with Brandon and Dad, they dropped everything to help me.
I stayed with Amelia and the kids last night until I could get the key for this place, and Amelia even came with me to Brandon's to grab my stuff. She talked business with him while I packed up, and he was respectful and let me have the space I needed to get the job done. I kissed him goodbye with a promise to catch up later in the week when I had my head a little more clear. He was remorseful and understanding, like he knew this was the only option, and I'm so grateful for it. If he’d begged me to stay, I'm not sure I would have been strong enough to walk away. He holds my heart, but I'm so hurt.
We take our glasses out to the small patio out back. "This place is adorable," Amelia gushes. "Just wait till I bring the kids out here, they’re going to love it."
I smile, feeling content, knowing I have done something right for a change. She's right. From the outside, with stone walls with vines creeping up them, it's the kind of place you could picture in the Italian countryside. It's odd to find in Palm Springs, but maybe that's why I like it so much; it’s different, just like me. The inside needs some work, but it came fully furnished, and it’s just wear and tear. Everything functions just fine, so it will be perfect until I decide what my next step is. Half of me is hoping it will be with Brandon, but the other half, she's a little more confused and looking for a sign from the universe as to what she should do next.
Jasmine places her glass down on the patio table. "So, step one is complete. What's next in the reinvention of Cassandra Harper?" She kicks off her shoes and props her feet up, settling into the lounger she’s lying on. It's a warm day for this time of year, and she's making the most of the sun.
I follow suit, lazing back and letting the sun warm my skin, feeling relaxed for the first time since Brandon had the accident. "I'm not reinventing, just growing up."
"What does that mean for Brandon?" asks Amelia. I know she has a soft spot for him because he helped her out, and I could overhear some of what they were discussing yesterday. It wasn't just business. He told her to look after me, to watch out for me while he wasn't able to. His words made my chest ache and tears pool in my eyes, but I swept them away, knowing I was doing the right thing.
"I don't really know. I love him, and I want things to work out between us, I just…"
"Need a little space to sort out your own head," Jasmine finishes my sentence for me, like she gets it.
I wince, knowing I sound like the world’s biggest bitch. Why is it so hard to ask for what you need without feeling like you’re letting someone else down? "Yeah. It sounds so selfish, doesn’t it?” I glance at her, needing her professional opinion I know she is about to give me.
She shakes her head. "Not at all. And he hasn't done himself any favors by hiding things from you either, so let him squirm for a bit." Her grin is a little cheeky, and I love her for it. She has my back, and right now I need it.
I sigh, trying to let all the angsty feelings go so I can just enjoy this time with my sisters. "Enough about me, I'm overthinking it. What's going on with the two of you?"
"I'm planning my next big show, for my spring collection." Amelia hands me her phone so I can check out the designs. I flick through her collection of sample sketches. They’re all flowing dresses and cute tailored shorts in pastel colors. She's so clever. It fills me with pride to be her little sister and watch her go from strength to strength with her business.
"I love these." I point to one of the shorts in a lavender color. "Think you might be able to swing me an early sample?"
"Me too," agrees Jasmine, craning her neck over my shoulder so she can see.
"I'm sure I can work something out." She grins. "Glad you guys like them. I feel like I'm finding my feet now, losing the imposter syndrome like I'm a real designer."
"You're definitely a real designer, you have been your whole life. And what about you, Jas?"
As she goes to open her mouth, my phone rings. I look at the screen but don't recognize the number. "Sorry," I say to my sisters, feeling rude for taking it, but it might be important. "Hello?" I answer tentatively, looking toward them, like who dares to interrupt our Sunday afternoon.
"Hi, is that Cassandra Harper?" the friendly female voice on the other end replies.
"This is Cynthia Wild, head choreographer for a new show coming to Broadway next year. I have just watched your audition tape, and I would love to see you this week."
My head is racing, trying to process her words. Did she just say Broadway? "My audition tape?" I stutter out, confused. I didn't send anyone on Broadway a tape.
"Yes, sweetie. The one you entered for the assistant choreographer role with the company. I can see by your resume that you're currently living in Palm Springs. When can you fly in to New York for the interview?"
My heart kicks up a beat, with excitement flooding through me. If this is for real, this is my absolute dream come true. "Whenever you want me to be," I respond with enthusiasm, my heart pounding seriously out of control. I have classes and all this stuff going on in my life, but this is too good to pass up, so I'm just going to roll with it.
"Book flights for Tuesday then, sweetie. I'd like to see you at midday. I'll email you the rest of the details."
"Thank you so much for this opportunity, Cynthia." I beam through the phone, hoping she can feel my eagerness to land this job. One I didn't know existed until a few minutes ago, but a job I have waited a lifetime for.
"I'm really looking forward to meeting you, Cassandra. You have the 'it' factor I have been searching for."
I have the “it” factor? Whether I get the job or not, this woman has just made my day. I have waited my entire life to be told exactly that. "Thank you, I'll see you on Tuesday." I hang up the phone and stare at it in disbelief. Did that really just happen? When I look up, I realize my sisters’ eyes are glued to me, waiting for me to explain.
Amelia flicks her long bangs away from her eyes so she can see me better. "So, that sounded exciting."
My hands go to my face, and I look at them in total disbelief. "I have an interview in New York on Tuesday. Assistant choreographer for a new Broadway show." I squeal and drum my feet on the pavement below, no longer able to contain my excitement.