Page 71 of The Fear
They both jump on me, arms and legs going everywhere as they attack me in a group hug.
Jasmine pulls back, joy radiating off her she has so much excitement for me. "See, what did I tell you? Start putting out there what you really want, and it will come.”
I shake my head, still not believing it. "That's what you said, but they got my tape somehow. The power of the universe is amazing, but it can't make a tape and send it off alone. Did one of you send off a recording of me dancing and my resume without telling me?" I look them over, trying to see if they’re hiding it from me.
Jasmine shakes her head. "Nope, not me." She couldn't lie to me if her life depended on it, so I believe her.
"I didn't either. Might have been one of your old ones still circulating, maybe?" Amelia suggests. She doesn't look like she’s bullshitting either.
"I haven't sent a tape out for months, not since I got the job teaching. This is so random." Mom wouldn't have known where to send it, and Andy wouldn't have had the time. Maybe Amelia is right and it's an old tape. That's all I can think, anyway.
Jasmine grabs my shoulders. "Who cares, just go with it, Sis. They had your name, so it's you they want. Just go with it," she repeats. "This is your time to shine, and we all know you can make it happen." Jasmine’s eyes are intense, like she is trying to will some of her newfound confidence into me, and I love her for it. At this point, I will take anything I can get to give me the courage to make this happen. There is just one small thing niggling at me. If I get this job, what will that mean for me and Brandon?
"Stop overthinking," Jasmine yells at me. "I can see your brain working overtime. You're not talking yourself out of this, I won't let you."
"Neither will I," Amelia agrees with her.
"Okay. I need to book some flights then," I mutter, still in shock. Grabbing my phone to research flights, I try to ignore the guilt I'm feeling in my stomach. Get the job first, then I can work out the rest. If it's meant to work out with Brandon, it will. "Oh God, I'm so not ready for this. What do I wear and say and how many hours is it to New York on a plane, Jas? I can't remember."
"Stop stressing, we will help you get ready. Everything is going to be perfect." She rubs her hands together like I'm a project she is about to take on. And I'm grateful for her enthusiasm, because anxiety is already taking over, and I'm going to need someone to help me make this a reality. This is my big opportunity, and this time I can't fuck it up.
I HAVE BEEN IN a daze since I left Cassandra at the dance studio on Saturday. My body is going through the motions of what I need to do, but my head and my heart are still back there with her, trying to work out how I can make up for all the mistakes I’ve made. How fucking stupid I’ve been. How could I have fucked this up so monumentally with her this time?
There’s a pain lodged in my chest that nothing can take away. She was pregnant with my child, and I left her to deal with it all alone. And even worse, she has had to carry that guilt around with her for years. I should have been there for her, helping her to heal. I think back to the first day of school when I helped her out with her car trouble. She was so angry, and she had every right to be. I let her down when she needed me the most. But I won't ever let her down again. She might need some space to work out what she wants, and I'll give her that for now, but I will be here waiting for her to come around, and as soon as she's ready, I'm going to make up for it all, everything she lost because of me. She will have the life she deserves, I'm going to make damn sure of that.
My phone vibrates on the desk in front of me, breaking me out of my daze.
"Brandon, I need your help," utters Ma, her voice trembling through the phone.
My back stiffens, and I sit up in my chair, her words setting off panic inside of me. "Ma, what's going on?"
"I know you just got to work for the day, but I had to wait until Jerry left before I could call you. Can you help me get my stuff out of here before he gets home from work?" She sounds terrible, like she’s been crying, and the noise of her voice is echoing like she’s in a bathroom or the basement.
"Where are you?" I demand, panicked.
"At home."
That's all I need to hear. I'm already up and grabbing my keys. "I'll be there in half an hour with the boys." What the fuck has Jerry done now?
"Thank you, honey." I disconnect the call and type out a message to Kobe to be ready for me to pick him and Jett up in ten.
"Miles, you're on your own this morning with the team. I have to sort out a little issue," I tell him, striding past his desk.
"No problem," he replies, barely making eye contact; things have been a little tense between us lately.
I turn to Scarlet. "Where's Cassie?" I shouldn't be asking, I'm supposed to be giving her the space she needs to find herself, but she's not at work when she should be, and she wasn't here yesterday either.
"Job interview in New York," she whispers, her hand held up to her mouth. "Thought she would have told you." Scarlet looks confused by my question.
"Oh, yeah, of course, must have slipped my mind," I say, playing dumb. I don’t need to have this conversation with her right now. They offered her an interview. Thank fuck, maybe she won't kill me for interfering in her life if she actually gets her dream job like she deserves.
I'vepickeduptheboys on my way, and when I knock at Ma’s door and she opens it a trembling mess with tear-stained cheeks, my heart lurches. Jerry fucking Rodgers is going to pay for whatever he's done to her.
"Ma!" I pull her into me. "Don't worry about a thing, me and the boys are here to help, okay?” I rub her back, trying to calm her down.
"Hi, Mrs. Lewis," offers Kobe from by my side, with a sympathetic smile.