Page 36 of The Reunion
Amelia and I both stand as well. "Thanks. I would appreciate that."
"I'll see myself out," she tells us, walking toward the front door. "Nice meeting you, Amelia." She offers a wave.
"You too," Amelia replies with a forced smile.
Once Elara is gone, I turn to Amelia, taking her in my arms and pulling her toward me. "I'm sorry that was so uncomfortable."
"It's okay. I guess I better get used to people assuming things about me, I know how this all looks. I was with two guys in the space of a couple of weeks. It's my own fault."
"Millie, stop giving yourself a hard time. What happened is in the past, you couldn't have known. The doctors told you the timing meant that Connor was Declan's. Why would you question it? It's done. Now we focus on the future."
"Okay," she says, hopeful. "Why are you so amazing to me?"
"Because it's what you deserve."
"Thank you." She kisses me.
"Speaking of the future, when can I see you all again?" I already hate knowing she and the kids have to leave this afternoon and not knowing how we’re really going to make this work logistically.
"I don't know. I go away this week for work. Maybe the week after that if it lines up with your schedule?"
"It's this week you go away?" I remember her mentioning a work trip to Paris but hadn't realized it was so soon.
"Yeah, I'm so excited. I feel bad I have to leave the kids, but it's going to be just a quick trip and all business. It wouldn't be fun for them to come along. So my parents are having them for the days I'm away."
"Don't feel bad, you have to live your dreams as well. When they're older they will appreciate how hardworking you are and the legacy you left for them."
"Hopefully," she says thoughtfully, like it's something she has been thinking about a lot, and I'm sure it is. The balance must be hard for her, between being a mom and achieving her dreams. "I'm sorry it's going to be so hard for us to see each other. We might have to get good at FaceTiming. I know the kids would like that. I can give you my mom's number if you want to contact them while I'm away."
"It's okay. We have a busy week here as well, recording. But that would be nice; I would like to check in with them and you." I kiss her sweet lips, taking her face in my hands. "And you better get good at FaceTime. I want a call every day. I won't get through the week without it.
Wehavebeeninthe recording studio since ten this morning working on one of the new songs Teo has written for us. All I can think about is the weekend I had with Millie and the kids.
"Again, from the top, Heath," he says, like I'm the reason this isn't coming together today.
I know my voice is off. But I can't concentrate knowing Millie is in Paris alone. I know she’s there for work, but it doesn't sit well with me. I should be there with her. Paris is the city of love, after all. “Okay.” I groan, glancing at Devon. This better be the last take. I'm so done for today. While I wait for them to reset, I massage my temples, trying to control the headache that’s starting to drum at my brain.
We make it through the entire song this time. And I think we must be done for sure, but the knock on the window signals we’re not. "Go for a smoke break, guys, then I want another go."
I'm up before the rest of them, dying to get out of the stuffy studio, shoving the door with my boot and pushing out into the fresh October air. Devon's next out, followed by Teo and Iwan.
"What's wrong with you today, man? Normally one take and we’re good."
"Why is it me?" I glare at him.
"You're stumbling over words you know." He lights up a smoke and offers me the pack.
"I quit," I tell him, annoyed he's even offering me.
Iwan sits himself down on the bottom stair and sips on his Coke. "I say we do one more then we call it. I've got somewhere to be."
I point to Iwan. "I'm with him."
Teo glares back at the two of us. "We call it when we get a decent take."