Page 37 of The Reunion
I nudge Devon. "Better give me one," I say, knowing the way my mind is today I'm not getting through this session without something. I stick the cigarette in my mouth, and he flicks his lighter, smirking at me like he knew I'd give in to temptation. It's almost fucking impossible when he’s standing next to me blowing smoke in my face.
Iwan stands, tossing his empty can in the recycling can. "Get your shit together, Heath," he says before turning and stomping back inside.
I get one more look from Teo, and he follows him in, clearly just as irritated with me.
I run a hand through my hair, not sure what's messing with me so badly today.
"What's going on, man? Seriously, talk to me so we can fix it."
"Millie's on a plane to Paris to meet with some fashion designer. I feel like I should be there with her. You know, for support."
He gives me a knowing look. He's seen me like this before. I was just as tied up in knots over her the first time. "She's really messing with your head, isn't she."
"The whole thing is. It's not like when we were young. It's different this time. I have this sense of urgency with her. I don't even think I can explain it."
"Try, you need this shit out of your brain so we can get this thing done."
"I want to be with her all the time. I've stopped caring about anything else. She’s the only thing that matters, her and her kids. I want to be there for every meal, every sporting event. At bedtime I want to tuck them in and curl up with her. I'm crazy, right? You're looking at me like I am because it's only been a couple of weeks. Even I know how nuts I sound."
"It sounds intense, man. I don't get it because I've never found a chick I like to be around enough that I would want that kind of life with, but you have."
"On the weekend when they came to stay, I fucking told her I want to marry her."
"You did what?" He chokes on the smoke he just inhaled.
"I know, man, it's bad. I don't know what to do. I wasn't bullshitting, I want to."
"Why don't we get this song wrapped up then. It's the only day we have in the studio this week. You're no good to us here anyway. Take off for a few days and go see her. It will put your mind at ease, then you can come back and we can get on with it."
I like the way he thinks and could probably make it happen, but then her reaction from the beach comes back to me. She not all-in like me. She's worried I will fuck up like her ex did, I can tell. "She's going to think I'm nuts just turning up there."
"It’s romantic, girls love that shit, don't they?" He really looks confused this time. Dev knows how to get in girls’ pants, not how to nurture a relationship.
I shrug. "Maybe?" Truth is, I wouldn't know either. I haven't bothered dating any other girls since I moved to LA, I wasn't interested. Yeah, there were some random hook-ups, but nothing like the brothers get up to. Amelia was the last girl I dated and that was in high school. I have no idea what I'm doing. All I know is not being with her has me going crazy.
"Come on, let's get this shit done, then you can go after her."
I follow him in with new determination to nail the song so I can get on a plane and go see my girl.
Iwalkintothelobby of the House of Blanchet for my meeting with Julian, the director. I'm excited to meet him, and I’m still in shock that he has seen my designs and is interested in collaborating with me. My French isn't the best, so I'm praying the rest of the staff in this company speak English as well as Julian did when we talked on the phone. My heels tap the marble floor noisily as I approach the reception counter where a young well-dressed girl with her hair pulled into a bun on top of her head sits typing away at a computer. "I'm looking for Julian Blanchet, could you point me in the right direction?" I ask, my voice coming out wobbly and not confident like I wanted to portray.
Her eyes raise from her screen, her brow knitting together when she takes in the look of me, or maybe it was my English. I should have tried asking in French. "Can I ask who is looking for him?" she responds in English, her accent strong and her tone irritated.
"Amelia Harper, I have an appointment." I smile, hoping that will soften the frown she's directing at me, because clearly I have interrupted her day.
She points to the elevator. "Go to floor twelve and his secretary will show you through. I'll let them know you're on your way." She offers me a tight smile, like she doesn't really want to since I'm such an inconvenience, but it's company policy to be polite, so she's trying her best.
"Thank you." I smile back, relieved I could understand her and I'm in the right location. It's been a long day already. I managed to get in a nap back at the room after I flew in, but I'm still feeling a little disorientated.
I take the elevator up, and as the doors open, I see a sharply dressed man in an expensive-looking navy suit leaning against the opposite wall. Looking in my direction, at least he seems a little friendlier. "Amelia?" he asks with a grin, his accent thick. I wonder if he is the assistant?
"Yes." I smile politely, butterflies dancing in my tummy, suddenly feeling out of place in this fancy place. This floor is next-level extravagance. I force my feet to step out of the elevator and walk toward him.You can do this, Amelia. You already managed to get the kids off to Mom and Dad’s, get on a plane, check into a hotel, dress in a power suit, and find this place. You have come this far; you're not chickening out now. I take a deep breath, knowing I have this. I'm a top fashion designer. Why wouldn't he want to collaborate with me, I tell myself.
"Julian," he says, holding out a hand in greeting.
Shit, it's him. I go to shake his hand, and he pulls me toward him, placing a kiss on both of my cheeks. Then he takes my hands, grasping them in front of him so he can look me over. "So wonderful to have you here,ma belle." He grins in a friendly way that makes me feel more comfortable already. He's clearly from a lot of money, in his tailored suit and running this company, but you can tell he doesn't let it go to his head. I like that.