Page 52 of The Reunion
"We're not that bad." I laugh, hoping we don't look like we need to get a room quite as badly as those two.
"Not what I just witnessed." He laughs like he could care less and hands me a pale green cocktail with a lime garnish on the side.
I take a sip. It's really nice; it tastes like gin with a hint of sour lime or something like that, but I'm no expert on cocktails. "What is this?" I ask as we walk toward the sofa. I take a seat with Heath to one side of me, Devon on the other.
"Tonight's house special. I know the guy making the gin, so we’re just testing it out, seeing what people think."
I look at Heath. "That's why you two are hammered. Been doing too much testing of the new product?" I ask. It all makes more sense now. I haven't seen this side of him for a long time.
"It's good, right?” He smiles cheekily, like he’s trying to convince me to come to the dark side with him.
“Really good,” I agree. “I could drink these all night. I think your friend is on to something," I tell Devon, and he smirks like he's the friend and he already knew it.
Teo appears with a leggy blonde, his arm draped around her shoulder. "Hey, Millie, you made it. This is Catherine."
The girl offers a shy wave on their way through to the bar.
"Girlfriend?" I ask the boys.
They crack up laughing, like I have just said the funniest thing in the world. "For tonight, maybe?" Dev says. "Teo doesn't keep girls any longer than one night."
"Like you can talk, Dev." Heath gives him a look.
"Hey, I keep them longer than a night," he says, looking offended or maybe just not happy to have that information shared with me. He's changed from the boy I went to school with, all shy around the opposite sex.
"Yeah, till the next morning so you can go a second round, then you're done," Heath says, giving him a hard time.
Devon looks at me like he needs my approval or something. "I just haven't been lucky enough to find someone as amazing as your girl here. If I had me a Millie, I'd keep her forever." His eyes tell me he's serious, and I know he is.
The same night I ended up with Heath, Devon had pulled me aside and confessed his feelings for me. I wasn't that shocked, I guess, I had always known that the two of them had a thing for me, and I wasn't stringing them along or anything. I just didn't want to get between the two of them. They were both my good friends, and I loved them for it. But that night Heath told me he couldn't keep pretending to be friends when every time he saw me it was like his heart was beating outside of his chest. He couldn't just be my friend, he needed more, and unfortunately for Devon, I felt the same as Heath. And I had for a very long time.
"Don't you worry, I intend to," Heath tells him with heat in his eyes that scares me a little. He's so all-in this time. It's what I want, but it's also messing with my head after such a short time together. We haven't discussed the baby thing again, and he hasn't tried to move his stuff into my place or anything. He's been there every night, but I have wanted him there as well. I'm still a little freaked out that someone was in my house, and I like having him there, but above all the little things, it's nice to feel like I have a partner in this parenting thing. Someone to talk to late at night when the house is quiet. I'm not so ready to push for anything more like he is, but I really like what we have right now. For the first time in a very long time, I can see a happy future ahead for us.
I smile at Devon. What a sweet thing to say. I wish he could have it all just like us; he's such a nice guy, and he deserves it. "You'll find her, Dev. I'm sure of it."
"Hey, boys," comes a deep female voice.
We all look in her direction, and I feel Heath’s hold around my waist tighten as he pulls me into him protectively.
"Hey, Della. Let me get you a drink," Devon calls, hopping up from his seat to greet her. Like he wants to get her away from us.
So, this is Della. Attractive, maybe a little older than us, with a sharp haircut and a glare of disapproval on her red lips aimed in my direction. Pretty much exactly what I pictured.
"I'm on the clock, Dev, no drink for me. Just here to meet this girl who has my boy Heath all tied up in knots. Didn't think anyone would be able to tame the beast. Look at you two, all cozy and cute," she says, and I hear the sarcasm. I don't know what the hell I did to this chick, but from the look on her face and what she just said, she fucking hates me.
"Della. This is Amelia." Heath’s tone holds a warning to her, like he already knows what she's up to. I wish someone would clue me in.
"Nice to meet you, sweetheart." She doesn't hold out a hand, and instead her eyes rake over me, making me feel paranoid as fuck. Her words might say nice, but her look says anything but. "Lucky girl, living it up in the VIP section. Must be a dream come true for a girl like you. Oh, and I heard your designs are just flying out the doors these days. What a fortunate break for you."
Heath stands up, blocking me from her, like he is trying to protect me. "That's enough, Della. You have said your piece; now get out of here so we can enjoy our night out."
She places a hand on his chest, like to push him out of the way so she can get to me. "I'm only just getting started, Heath."
I stand in a rush, nudging past him so I can face her. This bitch isn't going to talk to me like that and get away with it. "What else have you got? Going to ask if Heath has taken that test yet as well? Try making it seem like he can't trust me, is that your game? So you can keep your precious band just the way you like it, under your control. Give them all a break and let them live their lives," I practically yell at her. I hadn't realized how frustrated by his situation I was but coming face to face with her has tipped me over the edge tonight. She's a real piece of work, and she needs someone to put her in her place.
Leisurely, with calculation, she crosses one arm over the other, her dagger-sharp glare aimed at me. "Fucking fiery little thing, aren't you. Guess you have to be when you're fighting tooth and nail for what you have, trying desperately to grip on to it. But we’re not in Palm Springs, baby, this is LA. Look around you, see the way these boys work. They don't stay in one place long, not when something better, younger, or prettier is just around the corner."
Oh, she has to be fucking kidding me. I glare back at her in disbelief, my resting bitch face firmly in place. How could anyone be so cruel to a person they have just met?