Page 53 of The Reunion
"Della, enough," Heath yells at her, making me jump. He pushes past me, with Devon by his side. "If you still want me signed with you on Monday, you leave now and never speak to Amelia that way again. She deserves your respect. And if you can't give it to her, I'm walking." Has he lost his mind? He can't quit over this.
"I'm with him," Devon backs him up, and I get a little flutter in my chest at how amazing the boys are to me. This is their career, and they're willing to throw it away to protect me from this nasty bitch. I would never let them do it, but the sentiment is cute just the same.
Her expression changes, and you can see she is trying her best to smile through the pain and realization that she no longer holds any power here, but it's thin and tight-lipped. She places a hand to both of their chests, trying to placate them. "Relax, boys, I'm done. No need for threats." She saunters away.
I'm left shaking from the intensity of her hatred toward me. I hate confrontation, and I didn't see that one coming, so I wasn’t prepared.’
Devon's face says it all; he was surprised as hell at her reaction. "You can't listen to her, Millie, she's just..."
"Just nasty. What's her problem?" I cut in, not sure if I want to run to the bathroom to cry or chase her down and claw her eyes out with my newly manicured fingernails. The adrenaline pumping through me thinks the latter.
Before I get a chance to charge her down, Heath wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his hard body. "I'm sorry, baby, I don’t know. I'll talk to her on Monday." He tries to calm me down, stroking my face and pulling me in for a kiss. But I can still feel my heart beating out of control, the flight-or-fight trying to take over. "Forget about her, Millie." He kisses down my neck, trying to get me to relax.
"Here, this will make you feel better." Devon hands me another drink. When he went to the bar to grab it, I have no idea, because I swear he was standing here with us the whole time.
But I gladly take it from him, my hands still shaking. "Thank you," I mutter, not sure what else to say or do. She has just planted so many seeds of doubt in my brain, I feel like I'm about to have a forest explode from my ears. So instead of dealing with the noise, I drink up like Devon suggested, hoping the liquid will wipe my mind so I can forget that interaction ever took place.
Toomanygincocktailslater, I dragged Millie from the bar, almost kicking and screaming she was having so much fun, and into the closest cab. She danced with Devon, chatted to Iwan and Mandy about the baby, talked fashion with the girl Teo picked up, and was the general life of the party. It was like when we used to hang out after a gig and I would sneak her in the back door, because we were all underage, so she could drink with us. I thought her altercation with Della was going to destroy our night for sure, but Millie didn't let it. She made the most of her child-free night and had a bit of fun with old friends.
She stumbles a little as she walks over the threshold to my house. I grab her arm, supporting her. "Millie, baby, I think you need to go to bed."
"No, I'm having a fun night. Let's make a snack and stay up a bit longer," she says, pulling away from me and heading for the kitchen.
"You'll regret it in the morning," I call back to her as I lock the door, throw my keys down on the hall table, and set the alarm.
When I find her, she has taken out a loaf of bread, a knife, and a tub of butter and is slathering it on real thick. "You want some?" She holds up her bread, folding it over, then shoves it in her mouth, closing her eyes like she's in heaven.
"Nah, I'm good." I go to the fridge for a cold water, pouring two glasses, one for each of us, and chugging mine down.
She finishes her butter sandwich then kicks off her heels and hops up on the kitchen counter, lying back. "This counter is so cold, feels nice on my skin. Why am I so hot?" she says, running her hands over the marble like she's in the snow making snow angels.
I have to stifle a laugh. "You’re hot because you had a few too many drinks tonight." I pull her back up to sitting and hand her the water. "Drink this, or your head is going to be pounding in the morning," I tell her, not taking no for an answer. I feel partly responsible for her inebriated state, but mostly, I blame Devon and his constant top-up of cocktails.
"Thanks." She takes the drink, having half, then places the glass carefully on the counter. "I'm not as drunk as you think; stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like all worried and shit. I'm just relaxed, I had a fun night. I needed it. Being an adult sucks sometimes. Don't you ever just want to be young and carefree?"
"When I'm with you, always." I pull her to the edge of the counter and push her legs apart so I can fit in between them. Brushing her hair over her shoulder, I place a kiss to her neck. "I need to get you into bed," I whisper into her ear, my cock springing to life. I have wanted to get her alone all night.
"What's the rush?" she says playfully.
"Since the moment I saw you in this cute little dress, I have needed to have my cock buried deep inside of you. I'm not waiting any longer," I growl out.
She reaches around behind her, undoing her zipper and wiggling her ass so she can shimmy her dress up and over her head, before dropping it to the ground in a sexy show. Her lips turn up at one side in a sly little smile. She wasn't wearing a bra either, and her nipples are already hard, just begging me to touch them, torment her with the sweet torture I know she loves. She looks at me with such a hunger as she pulls me closer to her by my shirt. "Go for it," she tells me, pulling my shirt over my head.
I drop my mouth to meet her lips, my hands running over her soft skin until I get to her tits, taking one in each hand. I push her back to the countertop, taking a nipple in my mouth and sucking hard enough to leave a mark. Tonight has left me starving for her, and I can't hold back. We have the house to ourselves, and I intend to make the most of it.
Her hands come to the back of my head, pulling me in closer as she moans. "That feels so good." With that encouragement, I go for the other, toying with it while I reach between her legs, exploring under her thong and finding just how ready for me she is. "Fuck, you're so good at this. Must be all the practice," she mumbles.
All the practice? Shit, she’s still thinking about what Della said tonight. I stop sucking and pull my hand out of her panties. Leaning against the counter, I stare at her. “Let’s get one thing straight, Amelia. Della is a bitch. She said what she did tonight to get to you. She must feel very threatened by you because she knows what we have is more than a fling. I will never leave you for some young thing. You're it for me now, baby. I need you to say you believe me."
Pretty blue eyes blink back at me. I can see the pain she's been through, and I know why this must be hard for her to get past. Her ex-husband did exactly that to her, but I'm not him. Her hand comes to my face, and she runs it over my stubble, stroking me. "I believe you. Every time we're together, you show me I'm the only one for you. Yeah, Della's words cut because of what has happened to me in the past, but you know what? I saw the way you reacted. It wasn't all for show. You had my back, and not only that. Having a night out with you in a place like that, with cute girls all around, and your eyes were firmly on me the whole time. I'm not worried anymore, Heath. I know I'm it for you. We were made for each other."