Page 81 of Captive
“I’ve already given you that.”
“No, you haven’t. Not yet. You gave me too many question marks.”
“Then I’ll have to work on answering them.” He was grinning. “Did I tell you that I stopped in at the stable to say hello to Maisie?”
“No. That’s a surprise. I thought you were too busy to waste your time.”
“That wasn’t a waste. It was an investment. I can’t let her forget me. Face it, that horse and I have a history together. When all this is over, we have to come to terms with each other.”
“I can’t wait.”
“I can.” He laughed as he started back up the steps. “But not too long. I’ll call you after Adams has his meeting tomorrow. Don’t worry. It will be fine.”
Then he was gone. But she heard him talking to someone as he reached the stable level.
She tensed and then forced herself to relax. It wasn’t as if she was nervous about seeing him again. But she’d expected that he’d contact her sooner. No, admit it, she’d wanted to see him. It hurt her when things weren’t right with them. Even if she’d been the one who had taken the step back.
“Find anything interesting?” Caleb was coming down the steps toward her. “I ran into Rodland on the way down and he seems to have accomplished what you wanted.”
She nodded. “If that meeting tomorrow works out.” She looked down at the book in her hands. “Not exactly interesting. I’ve gone through most of these books several times and there’s nothing new for me. I’m just verifying everything in case I’ve missed something.”
“That’s valuable, too.” He paused. “I just came down to tell you that MacDuff has temporarily turned over a fairly impressive coffer of the Cira treasure to me. I’m taking a photo of some of the gems and having Rodland turn it over to Adams to impress Bohdan at his meeting.”
“The lure…” Jane murmured.
He nodded. “We’re on our way. After that meeting, we’ll have an idea about Bohdan’s numbers and personnel. But I think we should check out locations so there won’t be any surprises.”
“Rodland didn’t mention that the branch in the Highlands still exists? I think the rail yard does, too. If Bohdan goes for the story, then he’ll be heading up there.”
“And expecting us to be there, too.” She grinned. “Counting our ill-gotten loot?”
“Presumably. We’ll probably still be safe in that area tomorrow. But once Bohdan makes a decision then he’ll be pouring men and weapons into the Highlands.”
“Then we’d better go tomorrow.” She closed the book and put it back on the shelf. “What time, Caleb?”
“Seven? I’ve got to talk to MI6 about a few emergency plans.” He held up his hand as he saw her frown. “Of which I’ll inform you when they come to fruition. Fair?”
“Fair.” She was beginning to get excited. “It’s coming together, isn’t it? And I’m eager to actually see the branch and see where it goes. Do you think that MacClaren’s mural train car will be there, too? That clerk said it was somewhere in the Highlands.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised. But this isn’t actually the Highland yard, only a branch.” He was smiling. “But we can go hunting. I’ve been told I’m good at that.”
“I’ve heard rumors.” She took his hand as he helped her to her feet. “But be prepared, I might be the expert. I’ve got most of these Fiona facts memorized.”
“I’ll be prepared.” His hand tightened on hers. “Want to go and look at Cira’s treasures? Everything connected to Cira has always been special to you. Those jewels have been stuffed in that bank almost since the day MacDuff discovered where they were hidden. It must have been a long time since you’ve seen them.”
“Yes, it has. I remember how thrilled I was at the time.” The memories were flooding back to her. “It felt as if Cira was actually with us that day.” She suddenly turned and brushed a kiss on his cheek. “But we’ve seen so many things together, and most of them have been wonderful. And we have a chance to have a life that keeps on being just as wonderful.” She had turned and was running up the stairs. “Iwantthat life, Caleb!”
The wire was in place.
Rodland carefully rechecked it. So far, so good. Then he leaned back in his chair and tried to listen critically. He was in the apartment across the street from the restaurant where the meeting was taking place. Adams had gone over the treasure story, shown Bohdan and Chiswick the photo of the jewels in the coffer, told them how he’d actually seen the safe in the train car where Caleb and Jane had placed it. He’d been amazingly persuasive for the last twenty minutes. But now he was going for the big guns. His voice was eager as he went in for the kill. “Why did I do it?” He repeated Bohdan’s question. “You’ve put a bounty on Caleb. I’m tired of everyone getting fat bonuses all around me. I want my share.”
“You haven’t complained before,” Bohdan said. “And this time you came to me. I find that…odd.”