Page 82 of Captive
“We’ve worked together in the past,” Adams said. “You’ve been pleased with the money I’ve poured into your pockets. I just got fed up with watching those stupid thugs you keep on call get all that cash when I knew that I deserved it more. So I set about figuring out how I could get you what you wanted.” He added silkily, “So you could pay me what I wanted.”
“And what did you decide to do?” Chiswick asked. “Don’t waste our time, Adams.”
“I used my brains instead of my muscles.” Adams’s voice was suddenly eager. “I asked myself why Caleb had stashed his woman at MacDuff’s castle, so I researched MacDuff and the fact that Caleb and the woman were frequent guests there. And then I found out about the treasure MacDuff had discovered several years ago and the fact that there were rumors of another treasure that was still out there in the hills just waiting to be found.”
“Go on.”
“You saw that photo of the treasure. The woman must have found it and was waiting for Caleb to come back to her. Then after you attacked the castle, he joined her at a deserted train station up in the hills. I followed them and located a train in the yard. I took the photo of the treasure. Yesterday I even had it verified by the same professor who examined the original treasure MacDuff found.” His voice became tense. “Don’t you understand? We can have it all. Caleb’s not going to leave that treasure. He’s going to stay there in that train yard until he can arrange to move it away from the castle. But you can come into those hills from the lakes to the north. Bring your men and go after what you want. Take the treasure and then do what you want with Caleb and the woman. All I want is the bonus you offered for catching Caleb, and a small portion of the treasure. That’s not too much to ask.”
“It sounds like a lot to me,” Bohdan said sarcastically. “You arrogant asshole.” He was silent. “But I might be persuaded to give you the bonus. Forget the percentage of the treasure. If I decide to take a chance that you’re not the stupid nerd I always thought you.”
“You’ll take the chance,” Adams said. “I can see how hungry you are. I’m hungry, too. Let me give you what we both need.”
Another silence. “He’s right, we could go to the Highlands by the northern route,” Chiswick finally said. “It would be fairly safe.”
Bohdan was cursing. “Send a man up to the Highlands and see if there’s any sign of Caleb. If he’s there, we’ll go after the treasure, too.” His voice was harsh. “We’ll head for the north tonight. It will probably take us all day to make our way down to MacDuff’s land from the lake country. And you’d better be right, Adams. Or you won’t live another day once we reach there.”
“I’m right.” Adams’s voice was a little high-pitched. “Do you think I’d take a chance if I wasn’t sure? You can trust me, Bohdan.”
“Yes, I can.” Bohdan’s tone was malicious. “Because you’re going with us.”
“I don’t do well on the trail. I thought I’d meet you when you reached—”
“Shut up. I’m tired of hearing your voice, Adams. Now get out of here.”
Rodland heard Adams’s breathing come sharp and shallow as he ran out of the office.
Rodland was already out of the apartment and in the car by the time Adams made it out of the restaurant and was running down the alley.
Adams jumped into the passenger seat. “Let’s get out of here. Did you hear him?” His voice was shaking. “This was a mistake. He’s going to kill me.”
“Not if you handle it right. You did a good job in there.” He was driving out of the alley and down a side street. “You’ll get the rest of your money, and you’ll never have to deal with Bohdan again.”
“He wants me to go with him and those butchers. I’ve seen what he lets them do to anyone he gets angry with. Sometimes I get nervous.” He moistened his lips. “He’d know if I was lying.”
“Just stay away from everyone when you’re on the road.” He was shaking his head vehemently and Rodland could see where this was going. “Take a chance. The cash is worth it.”
“I won’t do it,” Adams said. “Unless you’re able to find a way to go with me. You’ve said that you’ve done a lot of tracking. I want you nearby if I need you.”
And hold the son of a bitch’s hand all the way to the Highlands? Rodland thought in frustration.
“Do you hear me? I’m not going to risk my life. You have to do what I want.”
“I don’t have to do anything,” Rodland said through set teeth. “I just have to step aside and let Bohdan find out you might have betrayed him.”
“You wouldn’t do that.” Adams’s voice was panicky. “We have a deal.”
Yes, he did, but the deal was with Caleb. Yet he couldn’t let that deal go down the drain. Too much depended on taking Bohdan down. “I’ll think about it,” he said sourly. “Just keep your damn mouth shut.”
Next Day
“You’ve been very quiet,” Jane said as Caleb made the turn that led to the upper Highlands. “Correction. Quiet toward me.” She glanced at him speculatively. “You’ve been talking to MI6 and Rodland almost nonstop. Do we have a problem?”