Page 108 of No Omega Needed
Saint offers Kitten a hand and she kneels down in her short dress. Saint joins her and they both stare up at Callan.
"You know we love you," Kitten says, clearing her throat. "If we could legally do this as a threesome…"
"We'd be doing that today," St. James says, squeezing Callan's hand. "Thank you for understanding that our love is a bit more progressive than the system of laws in this country."
Callan wipes a finger over each of their cheeks.
"I told you," Callan says. "I don't mind."
"We know," Kitten says, smiling up at him.
"But we heard we can do this as a threesome," Saint says, over his shoulder to the rest of us. "Not legally, that part is still capped at two, but Callan…"
"Will you marry us?" Kitten and Saint say in unison.
"Guys," Callan says, falling to his knees and hugging them.
"That's so damn sweet," I whimper, trying to keep the tears from falling.
Pregnancy hormones are the worst.
Issac cups my thigh. Dex stretches over, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. And I sob through the entire ceremony because I'm a crybaby when I'm pregnant.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Baby Love McKinley
"Might I have this dance?" Ryder St. James asks, stretching out a tattooed hand.
Issac grins. "Sure, why not."
"I think he was asking me," I grumble at Issac's back as he saunters over to stand by Dex.
"You're as big as a damn house," Saint muses. His tattooed hand tenderly caresses my belly.
"Hey, asshole. Congratulations," I say, smiling up at him.
"Thank you." Saint smirks. His face gets serious as we sway. "Truly. Thank you for agreeing to come…" He pauses. "I don't think Sinner would have agreed to go through with it without you here."
"She had you guys and Sheena, but I'm happy I was able to watch your big day. What you two did for Callan was so damn sweet," I say, swaying side to side. I'm trying to get the ache in my back and hips to go away, but it's ineffective.
"We couldn't leave him behind. Even if the ceremony was only binding in our hearts and minds." Saint grins. "When are you going to cave and marry one of your men?"
"One of my men?" I scoff.
"Don't be a bugger," Saint says, gripping my chin and turning it toward Dexter and Issac. "You're well aware Issac wants to bond and marry you. Dexter is bloody floundering without you. Why did you shut him out?"
"What?" I hiss, swatting away his hand. "You've got it all wrong. I was honest with him about how I felt. I told him my fears about causing problems in Issac's and his friendship. You know Dex…"
Saint studies my face. His face is a mask of confusion.
"He's in love with you," Saint says slowly.
"Right," I scoff. "That's why he went right back to flirting and hooking up."
"Did he?" Saint muses, spinning me away and pulling me back with the music. "You've seen him bring hook-ups 'round?"
"No," I sputter, shaking my head.