Page 109 of No Omega Needed
"Right," Saint says, smirking. "That's because he's in love with you, darling. Let me do you a solid..." Saint pauses dramatically. "Issac doesn't like to get involved, but it physically pains me watching the two of you being so damn clueless. Dexter wants you to show him that you love him on the same level you love Issac. You do, don't you?"
Swallowing thickly, my heart tries to pound right out of my chest.
I nod shakily.
"Put the bloke in his place." Saint raises an eyebrow. "Treat him the same as you'd treat Issac. Show him you're not afraid to claim him. You know Dexter. He's got his own issues. He won't believe he's equal to Issac unless you pound him over the head with it."
"I'm a beta," I whisper.
"Oh, Love." Saint pulls me to his chest. His hand cups my head. "You don't think I understand you? Christ, do I ever get it."
Pulling back, Saint studies my face.
"They'll find their omega one day," I whisper. "You remember how obsessed Dex was about trying to make things work with all of us."
"Mmm, yes." Saint nods. "I do. I had equal skin in that game if you remember. Why do you think the two of us pushed the hardest?"
My face must show my total confusion, because Saint continues.
"I always knew Sin would need alphas. The suppressants were never going to be a permanent solution. Dexter recognized your fears of losing them to an omega. Two birds, one stone. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
I stare up at him, blinking rapidly. "He'd get both of us."
"God, you're just as daft as Sinner. No, you silly woman." Saint sighs. "You and Sin mesh well; you'd never have tried to take me from her. Like she wouldn't have tried to cut you out. She'd never have taken Dexter and Issac from you. Do you understand now?"
"You know that for a fact?"
"You truly believe Sinner would have kicked you out of the relationship?" Saint asks, his jaw falling.
My head shakes.
"No. God. No way." I frown. "I meant you know for a fact that's why Dex was so focused on meshing us into a pack?"
Saint's face smooths out. "Okay, good. I thought you'd officially lost the plot." He grins. "I do. We had many conversations about it. Although, to be fair, I think things worked out the way they were supposed to."
I nod, swallowing thickly. Is it possible I pegged Dexter so wrong?
"Talk to him. Pretend you're Lachlan and bust out some of that unwavering, next-level sincerity." Saint kisses my temple."Not everyone will disappoint you. Trust me. It was a hard lesson for me to learn also."
"Thanks, St. James," I say, swallowing thickly.
Kitten grins at me. She's busy slow dancing with Callan. She gives me a small wave with the hand on Callan's shoulder.
God, I wonder if she knows what Saint wanted to talk to me about. Did she put him up to it? I know Dex and Kitten have gotten close lately.
Leave it to Saint to meddle in my relationship on his wedding day. My eyes slide to Dexter. Could he be right? Did I misread everything because of my own insecurities?
Kitten and Callan come skipping over. "May I have this dance?" Kitten says to me.
I shake my head, laughing.
"Of course, sugar," I say as Callan and Saint share a dirty kiss.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Dexter Clark
"Saint's getting a little too cozy with our baby mama," I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest.