Page 43 of No Omega Needed
I watched the hell my mother went through when it happened to her. I'd never do that to the woman I love.
"When will they be back?" I ask, trying to get myself out of my head.
I'm still surprised Kitten and the guys in Ruin stuck around so we could fly back with them.
I know Kitten is anxious to get back to Storm.
The show Dex and I had today was planned before all that shit happened in Austin, so I figured they'd leave our asses to get back to their packmate. But they stuck around.
I can't wait to be back in one place.We're headed back to Florida in the morning by way of Austin to pick up Storm.
"They might be in Kitten's room," Dex says, checking his phone. "The longest prenatal massage they recommended was ninety minutes, so they should have been done a half-hour ago. Meet you over there."
I roll my eyes as Dexter takes off for the balcony.
Chapter Twelve
Vince Riggs
"Dex is on the balcony," Lyric says with wide eyes. "He really is like Spider-Man."
The three of us are in Lyric's suite, in the living room. McKinley ate like a bird and said she was stuffed. I guess that baby is taking up all the free space. It's basically the same thing every time she eats lately. She says she's full, then an hour later she's starving.
It's fucking adorable. I shake my head. I'm so screwed. Everything she does is cute to me. I'm not a warm and fuzzy person. She just really fucking does it for me.
"Aww, man, I just got comfy," McKinley grumbles, lifting her head off the kid's lap.
"Riggsy, can you let Dexter in?" Lyric asks. She's lucky I'm fond of her and McKinley.
"Sure, kid," I say, dropping my take-out container on the coffee table. "And if you could never call me that again, that'd be great."
Lyric laughs. "Is it worse than creepy Uncle Riggs?"
I flip her off over my shoulder, and they both laugh.
"Come on in," I say, flipping the latch to let Dex in. "How the fuck did you get out there?"
"Jumped from the other balcony," Dex says, aiming for the girls. "How were your massages?"
"Amazing," Lyric says, giving him a wide grin. "Thanks, Dex. I really needed it."
"No problem. How's Sir Stormer?" Dex asks. He heads over to the couch ignoring the open seats and lifts McKinley's feet. He takes a seat and pulls her feet into his lap.
"He's madder than a wet hen," McKinley says, chuckling. Her accent is so thick sometimes that it makes me shake my head with a ridiculous smile plastered on my face.
"Tell him not to have kittens," Dex says, laughing.
"Oh, that is a good one," Lyric says, nodding. The kid is dumping out a shit-ton of soothing pheromones and McKinley is soaking them all up. It's insane how she manages it at the drop of a hat. Most omegas only self-soothe or soothe their chosen alphas. It makes me wonder if she doesn't view McKinley as pack. "He's all right, cranky and ready to get back to Florida."
"Me too," McKinley says. "Thanks again for waiting on us. I know you guys are itching to get back to Storm."
Lyric grins down at McKinley. "It's all good. It gave Storm a chance to spend an extra day with his family and heal up a little more before the flight. Is the baby moving?" she asks, stretching an arm down to where McKinley is rubbing her belly. "Can I feel?"
McKinley smiles, grabbing Lyric's hand and moving it. The way the kid lights up, it doesn't take a genius to figure out. She's going to have a whole yard of 'em running around before too long. Especially considering she's bonded to Griffin Stone. That guy wants a damn gaggle of kids. I wouldn't mind a few. Maybe three or four. That way they have each other for support. Being the only child fucking sucked.
There's a knock on the door, and Dex blanches.
"Shit, I forgot," Dex says, his eyes flying to the door. "Issac took the long way around."