Page 44 of No Omega Needed
McKinley moves to lift her legs off Dexter.
"I've got it," I tell them, swiping a hand through the air. I hop up, heading for the door.
Issac smells like weed as he walks past and into the suite.
"Thanks, man; where's Love?" Issac asks. I toss a thumb back the way I came, and he nods. I follow him back into the living room area and grab my food to finish eating. This place has killer Italian food. The smell alone has my mouth watering.
"How about you?" Dex asks, digging his fingers into McKinley's foot. "Did you enjoy your massage?"
A laugh bubbles out of Lyric.
"Oh, you hush your dirty whore mouth," McKinley says, grinning at the kid. All four of them laugh like they're in on something. I've heard that before. It's got to be an inside joke.
"She had to stop and visit the restroom three times during the hour and a half massage," Lyric says, snorting.
"Christ, Love. It might be time to cut out the tea," Issac says, leaning over and giving her a tender kiss.
Dexter frowns at them.
I almost call him out on his bullshit. Is this a game of he doesn't want her, but he doesn't want anyone else to have her either? Because that's some bullshit.
"Thanks for setting it up in the same room. It was fun being able to chat and relax together," Lyric says, stretching over and giving Dex a shove to the shoulder.
"It was great. Thank you, Dexter. It was very thoughtful of you." McKinley grips Dexter's arm, pulling herself up to sit. "It was only twice," she grumbles, huffing at the kid. "Once was technically before it started."
Both McKinley and Lyric are still in thick fluffy hotel robes. McKinley's robe gapes open at the chest, exposing one very largebreast tipped in a light tannish-brown nipple. Jesus Christ. The fact I've already seen her tits doesn't lessen the shock of being flashed with them again.
Issac smirks over at me before helping McKinley reposition the robe. He finally moves over, taking a seat in one of the club chairs.
"Dude," Dexter groans. "Baby, your tits are huge."
Lyric snorts. "I know, right? You're so lucky, Love. Pregnancy has been kind to you. You're all boobs and belly. I bet I'll be one of those women who gains like eighty pounds and never loses any of it."
"Oh, you stop it," McKinley says, frowning at Lyric. She goes on to tell the kid that she'll be fine because she's got an hourglass figure.
I tune them out.
"Did you figure out what you want to do tonight?" Issac asks Dex.
"Nah, we didn't get into it," Dex says, frowning. "You're probably right, she needs rest."
"Exactly," I say, pointing a finger at Dexter. "Stay in, it's safer."
Issac smirks. "That's how we ended up pregnant, so it's not necessarily safer."
Lyric laughs. "Can't get pregnant again, so go with that it's a reasonably safe option."
"It's entirely possible we knocked her up backstage at one of our shows, or the parking garage, oh, remember the dressing room in the mall? I thought that old biddy was going to have a heart attack when all three of us piled out of the changing room," Dexter says, eyeing my pasta. "Did you have leftovers, Baby? I'm starving."
"Oh, good Lord, I forgot about that." McKinley cackles. "She was clutching her rosary and doing the sign of the cross atDexter while he was still trying to hop back into his leather pants."
"That bastard opened the door when I wasn't ready," Dex says, pointing at Issac.
Issac chuckles darkly. "Let's never tell our kid that, all right?"
Lyric stretches forward, grabbing McKinley's leftovers, and shoves them at Dex.
"Staying in this evening?" I ask, trying to get us the hell back on track. I'm starting to feel like Grandma Walker trying to corral the rock stars.