Page 104 of Guarded Deputy
“Do I have to?” Walker drops his arms and groans.
“Yeah, you do.” Brooke nods and arches her eyebrows in a stern mom-look.
“Fine.” Walker sighs. “I need the plates.” He lifts his arm up limply as a sign that he’s too short to reach the top cabinet where the plates are.
I shake my head, grab three plates, and hand them to him. Then, I look at Brooke.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow. I’m going out after dinner.”
“With Lizzy?”
“Is Ms. Andrews coming?” Walker looks at me with wide eyes.
“No, buddy.” I cut my gaze to Brooke.
“Uncle Nate is going out with her tonight. It’s you and me at home, sweetie. How about we make cookies and watch a movie?”
“I guess.” Walker shrugs. “I can’t go with you?” He looks at me, and I chuckle.
“Not tonight. Why don’t the three of us do something tomorrow? Breakfast?” I give Walker my best smile. He’s gotten used to having me around at all hours, and I don’t want him feeling like he’s being pushed to the side.
“Okay.” He smiles, going to the drawer to grab forks and knives.
“Thanks.” Brooke squeezes my arm.
“Anything for y’all. Don’t worry about what I told you. We’ll figure it out.” I kiss the top of her head and help Walker set the table.
Chapter 29
“Didmyunclereallyquestion you?” I ask Nate as he drives to Sips and Beats. As soon as he told me that Uncle Roy spoke to him, I wanted to die.
It shouldn’t surprise me, but I can’t help but feel embarrassed.
“He sure did.” Nate smiles my way while keeping his eyes on the road.
“Is it too late to melt into a puddle and evaporate in the heat?”
Nate chuckles, shaking his head.
“I get it, Murphy. You mean something to him, and I’m glad you have family that cares about you.”
“You don’t mind?” I shift in my seat, pulling the seatbelt a bit and turning to look at him.
“Nah. Besides, Sheriff McCall is a simple guy. We spoke a bit, cleared the air, and moved on.”
“Guys are easier. They say what they need to without run-arounds or feeling like they might offend each other.” I sigh, falling back in my seat.
Nate laughs, reaching out to squeeze my thigh.
“If it means I can be with you without any problems, I’d talk to your uncle about my intentions every day.” His words hit me straight in the heart.
Nate gets to the street Sips and Beats is on and finds a parking spot a few feet away.
“Ready to dance with me, Ms. Andrews?” He gives me a lopsided smile.
“I’m still deciding, Mr. Deputy.” I wink and step out of the truck.