Page 73 of Guarded Deputy
By the time the school day finishes, I’m anxious. My classroom door opens, and I look up from my computer to see the man who’s tortured my thoughts all afternoon walk in with a grin.
“I was expecting a thank you text at the very least.” He gives me a lopsided smile.
I stand, walk around my desk, and cross my arms.
“I was being interrogated by my students, so I didn’t have a chance to text you.”
“Oh?” He tilts his head, getting closer.
“They had questions about who gave me the coffee, if it was my boyfriend or Ms. Church. Why it said you’re my cup of coffee on the cup when the writing should’ve specifiedIsince the cup is the cup.“ I’m rambling and making no sense, but Nate chuckles.
“Kids definitely have a way of observing things in black and white.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Did you tell them who it was from?” He’s challenging me with his raised eyebrow and smirk.
“I didn’t have to. Walker recognized your handwriting.” I shoot back.
His eyes widen slightly before a curse falls from his lips. “I didn’t think about that.”
“Apparently your sister calls your handwriting chicken scratch.”
“I’m going to kill him,” Nate mumbles.
“He’s a kid. He said what he knows.” I shake my head. “I diverted the conversation, but he might ask you about it.”
Nate nods with his lips pressed into a straight line. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think he’d realize it. I don’t want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable.”
I smile, reaching out for his arms.
“No need to apologize. I owe you a thank you. That was a sweet surprise.”
“I did good, right?” He smiles.
“You did.” I lean against my desk, my own smile wide.
“I’m glad you liked it. Since we couldn’t grab coffee on Saturday, I thought I’d bring it to you today. Although, I wish we were having it together.”
“I would’ve liked that.”
He steps closer, almost encasing me against my desk. “I like hearing you say that. I’ll make it happen. We can’t hide our relationship from others forever.”
“Relationship?” I tease him. “We’ve only gone on one date.” I bite back my smile when his eyebrows quirk.
“One date or a hundred, it’s the start of our relationship. And the kids were right, I am your boyfriend.”
“Already?” I smile teasingly.
“I’m not looking for anyone else, babe. You’re who I want.”
I love hearing him say that. What I do know about Nate is that he’s not one to show his emotions to many people. He can be mistaken for a grump, but he’s open with me. It makes me want to hug him tightly.
Okay, not true. It makes me want to do a lot more than hug.
“By the way”—his voice drops—“the color pink suits you.”
I lean my head back, eyebrows furrowed and look down at my outfit.