Page 34 of Vicious Bonds
“I’m afraid not,” she says. “The Cold Tether is a sacred study, and with all the Gilded running around Vanora, The Council believe it’s better that they don’t digest too much of it here. After all the rumors about Decius overpowering Selah, well…I try not to have them at my people’s disposal.”
“So you’d rather they be ignorant to their history?”
“Not at all. If they wish to learn about the Cold Tether, they’re more than welcome to do so. It’s just not something we teach to our own very much—and don’t act like it’smyfault the rule is in place. I didn’t create it. I suppose The Council doesn’t want anyone getting any big ideas about using their energy to overthrow their superiors.”
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” she asks, sitting on a chaise in the corner.
“I don’t sleep much. You know that.”
“Ah, yes. How miserable that must be. Are you still on those black tablets then?”
I cut my eyes at her. “How is that your business?”
“Of course, you are.” She sighs, placing an elbow on top of the chaise, resting on her side. “For the love of Vakeeli, Caspian, when will you learn to unwind? You allow your traumas to fester and hold you down. It’s no way to live.”
“You don’t know anything about traumas, Alora, so stop talking to me about them.”
“I know a thing or two.”
I close the book in hand and slide it back in its place on the shelf. “A few slaps on the wrist fromKing Papadoesn’t count as trauma.”
I take the seat across the room.
“Why do you pretend you don’t feel anything for Willow?”
I frown. “Where the hell did that come from?”
“You know what I can do, Caspian. You know what I can see. It is abundantly clear how intrigued you are of her.”
“She literally dropped into my forest, an unknown woman from another world. Who wouldn’t be the least bit curious?”
Alora narrows her eyes. “You know what I mean.”
I lean back in the chair, spreading my legs apart. “Mind if I light me bloom?”
“The smell of bloom gives me headaches. You know that.”
“Then I suppose you should leave then, eh?” I pull out my silver case, plucking out a bloom. When I find my lighter, I spark the end, and Alora rolls her eyes.
“Stubborn mule.”
“Leave me be.”
She stands, sauntering across the large room. “You should stop rejecting what you feel for her,” she says at the door.
“I feel nothing,” I respond through a haze of smoke.
Alora chuckles. “I don’t believe you.” Then she leaves the library, and I’m grateful for the silence. It would be quieter in my chambers, but I can’t sleep in that bed. I can’t sleep, period. We’re too close to Ripple Hills, and this truce she has with them means they can come and go as they please.
Another reason why I didn’t want Juniper going out with a woman who isn’t from this world. She stands out far too much for someonenotto notice. Plus, who knows what her energy brings, or what she’s brought from her world that could cause trouble here.
Fuck, I never should have let them go out. But there’s Killian. He’ll watch them. He’ll keep me posted.
I close my eyes, and the sound of music fills the hollows of my brain. People are yelling. Strobe lights bouncing. The smell of bloom and sour scent of tonics.
This place is different. Oh shit. Is that guy staring at me? No, he’s not. He’s looking past us. Right. What kind of top is that? Eww, where are their pants? Jesus. I should’ve stayed at the palace.