Page 35 of Vicious Bonds
Juniper and Willow must be in Iron Class already. I feel Willow’s heart racing, her mind running through a million thoughts. It’s all so new to her. The problem is I can sense her excitement. She’s thrilled to see these new things, but I also get a glimpse of her worry, as if she knows something bad will happen while she’s out.
And because of it, I keep listening to her thoughts, praying to Vakeeli that the night goes smoothly enough for me to ignore her again.
Killian drives the SUV,grumbling the whole way through Gold Class, something about his time being wasted and never being able to relax for one night.
Despite it, I’m able to see Gold Class for what it is—bright, shiny, and classy. The people dress very nice, not a wrinkle in sight or a hair out of place. They ride in chariots, their white horses leading the way. There’s an air of optimism and elegance, and it doesn’t fit the Blackwater people. If we hung out there, we’d stand out like sore thumbs. Juniper mentioned Gold Class doesn’t like to be around people from other territories, just their own, and that they’re very strict about guns and dress code. It’s no place for people like Juniper and Killian, or even me.
“You know you could’ve stayed at the palace,” Juniper says to Killian, finally breaking the ice. “No onemadeyou come.”
“Caz wanted me to come,” Killian returns.
“You and I both know I can handle myself. He just wants someone keeping an eye on Willow because he’s scared of what this Tether does to him.”
Why is she bringing me into this?
“Whatever it is, I don’t care. I could be back at the palace, eating, sleeping, or fucking.”
Juniper snorts, gazing out the window. “Fucking what? Your hand?”
Killian grumbles something else and speeds up, purposely making Juniper slump back against her seat.
Shortly after, we’re in Iron Class. Nothing says it, but it’s assumed by the way it looks. It’s a bleak contrast to Gold Class. Iron Class has slightly smaller buildings, gold lights, and the people appear younger. Their clothes are casual—not upscale and classy like Gold Class. There are people standing outside of buildings and bars, smoking long black sticks. Fancy cars zip by with neon lights beneath them, not a horse in sight. This is where the people of Blackwater would fit in.
Killian parks the SUV in front of a tall white building with tinted windows, and Juniper hurries to climb out.
“If you try to run, I’ll shoot you in your leg, Jun,” Killian warns, stepping out the car.
Oh my goodness. Would he really shoot his own sister?
“I’d like to see you try,” Juniper claps back.
“Don’t test me. I’m not in the mood.”
She rolls her eyes and looks at me. “Come on.” Leading the way toward the building, Juniper opens the door and walks inside. It’s dark in the building, strobe lights flashing, gold lights bouncing off the walls. I realize it’s a club, humming with bodies, a wall-to-wall bar ahead. Juniper goes straight for the bar, pushing through the crowd with her arm linked through mine. When she finds a clearing, she waves for the bartender’s attention, and he approaches—a skinny, brown-skinned man dressed in a gold vest and white pants.
“How can I help you ladies?” he asks, a casual smile on his lips.
“Two gold tonics, please,” Juniper requests, taking a satchel from her pocket. She plucks out six rubies, and the bartender glances down at them before looking at her again.
“You two aren’t Vanorian, are you?”
“No, we’re Blackwaters. Will that be a problem?”
The bartender smirks, accepting the rubies. “Not at all. Drinks are coming right up.”
When he turns away, Juniper says, “One thing you must learn aboutallmen of Vakeeli: don’t let them walk over you. Once they realize they can, they’ll use it against you. Oh—and rubies get you very far. Always have rubies on hand.” She turns her head and gasps. “Hannie!Hey!” Juniper rushes away to wrap her arms around a woman approaching us in a black dress. The woman lets out a shrill yelp as she hugs Juniper back, kisses her cheek, and then leans back, keeping her hands on Junipers shoulders. She’s beautiful, with coily black hair and umber skin.
“I’ve missed you!” Hannie squeals. “Blackwater has been keeping you busy, eh?”
“Oi, has it,” Juniper sighs. “There’s always something happening. You know how it is.”
“You ought to move here, stay with me,” Hannie suggests, shining her pearly whites as she drops her arms.
“As I always tell you, one day.” Juniper turns to me. “Hannie, this is Willow. She’s from Blackwater as well. It’s her first time in Vanora.” She winks at me.