Page 58 of Taunted By Fate
“Are you okay?” he asked.
The heat inside me burned a little hotter, and I felt around my body. My arm, the soreness between my legs. It all seemed to disappear and lesson as he asked.
“I’m sore, but my arm is almost completely healed.”
I pulled at one end of the wrap and watched it unravel. He came around the bed, pulling me into his body.
“Your arm was not my concern, not at the moment anyway.”
He bent down, pulling my chin up and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
“But it appears that your wolf is healing you like she should. Let’s head out and see if you can shift. I need to know if you are whole once again.”
Once again? “I’ve never felt whole before in my life. This is a first for me, and the power? I feel like I could take on the world.”
He snorted and turned out the lantern in the process of heading to the door. No time to relax apparently.
“Well, that’s good because you are going to need to be whole. Didn’t you once say we’re known for our blood thirsty tendencies? Well, my sweet mate. You just became part of that we.”
I shivered as I watched a shadow come across his face.
I followed him out the door. More howls rang in the night.
“Shift,” he said.
I stood there unsure I could remember or how to command her. I felt deep inside, and he waited patiently.
His eyes never left me. I felt exposed and bare in front of him, but it didn’t bother me. Not with him.
I closed my eyes and willed my wolf to take over. An ache ripped through me to muscles that had been long forgotten. It wasn’t painful like the first shift, that had happened long ago. I’d encountered more pain in punishments. This? This was different. There would be no repercussions for shifting this time.
A moment later I opened my eyes as a snout pressed against my nose. No, my muzzle.
You did it.
My wolf shook her head at the invasion.
How are you in our head?
His wolf snorted, and it reminded me more of the man. This was mate. I’d never truly seen him, not in all his glory. I saw him attack without mercy. Without thought. But now? He was massive and dark. His fur near black. My wolf pawed at the ground and I looked at our fur. White. I was the opposite of our mate.
You are pack now and my mate. Come, we need to get back.
He took off and my wolf didn’t hesitate.
Pack. I had a pack. My father had pretty much severed the connection with me the moment he gave me up and no pack since then had ever wanted me.
I felt wanted.
I felt complete.
The wind whipped through our fur as we barreled through the underbrush. My wolf pushed us to go faster and faster until we ran almost next to our mate.
His massive head turned to us and his wolf seemed to like the challenge. Or perhaps he wanted to see if we were worthy. Wasn’t that the way of the wolves? Too bad Devon hadn’t tested me before mating me, he was stuck no matter what I could do.
The thing was, I didn’t know what I could do and my wolf wanted to test every limit too.
We answered his challenge and together we ran in the night.