Page 11 of Never Knew Love
“Yup. I applied to a few local universities and two online ones. I should have an answer in a few months.”
“Congratulations, Eli.” Billie reached up and gave him a hug. Having the tough yet sweet Eli hold him like he never wanted to let go had Billie’s body on fire. He moved to step back, but Eli held tight. Snuggling into his big body, Billie let out a long sigh. Eli’s hand moved up and down his back in a soothing motion, and all the stress and worry of the past weeks melted away. Billie leaned his head back. “Eli…”
Billie’s words were lost as Eli’s mouth gently took his in asinful kiss that left him speechless.
Chapter Five
Billie’s tongue came out and playfully licked Eli’s. Suddenly, a sweet kiss turned molten hot. He gripped Billie’s silky hair in his hands and tilted his face for a deeper angle as Billie moaned.
A car alarm broke the silence and jolted Eli out of his passion. What was he doing? Billie was a client. Mason was going to string him up by his balls for his unprofessional behavior.
He reared back, rubbing his lips with one hand and the back of his head with the other. “I’m so sorry, Billie. You’re a client, and I never should have done that. Shit! I need to get Mason to assign someone else for your remaining time.” He turned away and opened the SUV door with shaky hands and held it open for Billie.
“Relax, Eli. It was one kiss. I’m not going to tell Mason.”
“It doesn’t matter. There’s to be no physical or emotional involvement with a client, and I crossed both those lines. I have to tell him.”
“Are you saying that kiss was more than just a friendly peck?” Billie asked as he sat in the car.
Eli stood holding the door and raised one eyebrow. “Do you kiss your friends that way?”
“Only the ones I really, really like,” he replied with a wicked grin, and Eli shook his head. He closed the door and rounded the front of the car, then slid into the driver’s seat. Sitting was damn uncomfortable thanks to the hard-on he couldn’t seem to will away. He adjusted himself and heard Billie let out a soft groan.
Eli ignored his body’s insistent demand and started the car. “Tomorrow, I’ll talk to Mason and get re-assigned.”
“But I like working with you. Please don’t tell Mason. It was just a kiss, Eli.”
“Maybe for you, but not for me,” Eli responded as he drove them out of the parking lot and through the busy streets. “I told you, I’m not into the casual thing. I don’t kiss a guy unless I have … feelings.”
Eli glanced over at Billie, who was nervously twisting his rings. “Look, Eli, I really like you. You’re a wonderful guy, but given my past relationships…”
Eli held a hand up. “I know, you’re not interested in anything more than a fuck. It’s fine. My feelings are my problem, but it’s best that Mason re-assign me. Best for both of us.”
Nothing more was said, and Eli escorted Billie up to his apartment per usual. On his way home, Eli stopped for groceries and headed back to his apartment in Queens. He texted Dax, seeking some advice from his friend.
Eli:Hey, r u busy?
Dax:nope.picking out paint for our living room. Mason is trying his best to avoid me??
Eli:He can run but there’s not much place to hide
Dax:that’s what I said. What’s up?
Eli:I have a personal problem, but you can’t say anything to Mason. I need to tell him myself tomorrow.
Dax:what’s wrong? r u ok?
Eli:yeah, but I developed feelings for one of my clients and well, we kissed tonight. Oops.
Eli’s phone rang. Incoming call: DAX.
“Oh my God. Who is it? Tell me everything,” Dax blurted.
“What happened?” Dax whispered.