Page 12 of Never Knew Love
“I told you I got assigned to work with Billie for the next two months given his contract for the Wayward Lane tour.”
“Yes, you mentioned that it was one of your gigs thismonth. Oh my God. You and Billie?”
Eli ran a soothing hand over his beard. “I thought Billie was sexy ever since I first met him, and I really like working with him. We just clicked. And we had dinner late one night after a band meeting and talked for over two hours and it felt like a date. But he’s not a relationship person and I am, but I still have feelings for him, and tonight he hugged me and then I kissed him. I screwed up.” Eli caught his breath after spewing out that mouthful.
“I know Billie. The poor guy had his heart crushed by his last boyfriend who was a total loser. I think he’s convinced himself he’s not cut out for a relationship.”
“I still shouldn’t have kissed him, Dax. He’s a client. I’ve never crossed that line before.”
“You must really like him, then. I know how seriously you take your job.”
“I do. That’s why I’ve got to recuse myself. I can’t be objective about Billie’s safety anymore.”
“I’m sure Mason will understand.”
“I don’t know. I hope to fuck he doesn’t fire me.”
“He wouldn’t do that.”
“I broke a major rule. At the very least he’ll suspend me for a few weeks.”
“If he does, I could use some help with this apartment reno.”
“I guess that’s suitable punishment right there,” Eli said as he rubbed his head.
“Hey! I thought you loved all those home reno shows.”
“I do. I’m teasing you. Give me a sledgehammer and a wall to bust down and I’m your guy.”
“Got it. Text or call me if you need to talk after telling Mason.”
“I will. Thanks for chatting, Dax. I feel better.”
“Anytime. I’ve gotta go. Mason is yelling for me. Something about our cat and the destruction of one of his shoes.”
“Talk later.”
Eli hung up and decided to make himself a light snack. Searching through his fridge, he grabbed some cheddar cheese and an apple. He found a bottle of beer and popped off the lid, taking a deep gulp and letting the refreshing taste slide over his tastebuds. Chopping up the apple and cheese into cubes, he added some crackers and took the plate into the living room. Flicking through the channels, he selected a paranormal TV series and hit play.
An hour later, there was a knock at his door. Who the hell was visiting him, unannounced, at this time of night? Eli checked the peephole and was surprised to see Billie standing on the other side of his door. He wrenched it open.
“Are you okay? How did you get here? How did you know my address?”
“It’s called rideshare, Eli. I’m not under house arrest. And you gave me all your contact details the other day, remember? Now, do you prefer to talk in the hallway, or are you going to invite me in?” Billie’s big green eyes were full of determination.
“Come in.” He held the door open and suddenly wished he had taken the time to clean his apartment over the weekend. “Can I get you something to drink? I’m having beer, but I’ve also got coffee, tea, and juice.”
“Tea would be great. Do you have any herbal?” Billie asked as he stepped out of his boots and undid his red jacket.
“Chamomile and peppermint.”
“Mint please.”
“Make yourself at home.” Eli motioned to his small living room. It was nothing special like Billie’s place, but it was cozy and suited his needs. Billie sat down on the dark grey sectional,and Eli hurried off to the kitchen to make tea. Eli always kept it on hand in case his mom popped by for a visit—in his family, tea was the necessary balm for sore stomachs, headaches, and any sort of emergency.
He wandered back out a few minutes later with a teapot and mug to find Billie running his slender hand over the blue chevron blanket on the back of the sofa. “This is a beautiful throw. Where did you get it?” Billie asked.
“I made it. I knit and crochet in my spare time to relax. I donate most of the items I make to local shelters, but I like to keep a few pieces for my own personal enjoyment.” Eli didn’t hesitate to tell Billie about his hobby. Other people could be judgmental. He’d learned the hard way when his last boyfriend ridiculed him.