Page 56 of Craving Paradise
“Don’t blame you.” I would have fucking killed him if it was me.
“I don’t understand why Miranda would do that,” Daniel questions.
“I don’t understand either.”
You can see the confusion written all over his face, wondering why his fiancée fucked his brother and got pregnant.
“You need a shower, some food, and then we’ll talk some more. But we’ve got you, okay?” Alex tells him.
* * *
“Are you okay? You seem quiet,” Alex asks. He’s giving me a lift back to my place.
“I can’t believe George and Miranda did that to him,” I state in bewilderment.
“George has always been an ass, but this is downright evil. And then to walk into Alistair’s home with his fiancée and declare her moving in with him. I wanted to kill him,” Alex says, looking over at me. “Buddy, are you okay?”
“Honestly, I don’t think I am,” I say softly, worried about the dark place Alistair’s situation has brought up again.
“What’s going on?” Alex asks, and I can hear the concern in his voice.
“I don’t know. Everything feels claustrophobic suddenly. I don’t feel right.”
“Do you need a doctor or something?”
“I need a fucking stiff drink.”
Silence falls between us before he speaks again. “It’s because of Hazel and William, isn’t it? Alistair’s breakup is reminding you of that time when everything imploded for you.”
“Maybe. I thought I was over all that. It’s been years.”
“Remember when things happened between Jade and me? We lost you for a time there. You kind of imploded right alongside me,” Alex reminds me.
Those were dark times for both of us. He went seeking revenge, and I went the other way and buried myself in pussy.
“I don’t want that to happen again. Is Autumn around?” he asks.
“No, she and Freya left the other day for I don’t know where this time.”
“Why don’t you come crash at my place then? I can see that it’s bringing up shit for you, and I don’t want you to be alone.”
I can hear the worry in his voice. “Alex, I’m a fucking grown adult. I’m fine. What Hazel and William did to me is long gone. I’m sad for our friend, that’s all,” I reassure him.
It’s a fucking lie.
“I’m here if you need me,” he says, ignoring my anger.
I know he will be. He’s a good guy.
It was touch and go there for a little bit dealing with my demons, but thankfully, Autumn and Freya came back from America. They have been living with me for the past couple of months as a stop-gap home while hers is being renovated, and she jets around the world. Their trip was cut short because the van she was getting remodeled for her trip around America wasn’t ready in time, so they have had to reschedule that for later in the year.
But it wasn’t a wasted trip over there because she signed with The Rose Agency in New York. She asked me not to say anything to Sam Rose, the brother of the agency’s owner. She wanted to see if she could do it on her own, and she did. She asked me to look over the contract they gave her, and I’ve sent it off to my lawyers. She negotiated what she needed, and they went back and forth until they came to a mutually beneficial agreement. I’m very proud of her for organizing that.
In between all that good news, the girls did notice I was a little off—it’s a blessing and a curse having nosy relatives. After much poking and prodding, I told them about Alistair and Miranda breaking up and how it brought up my feelings when it came to Hazel and William. As much as those two annoy the hell out of me, it was nice having them in that moment to talk me down from the ledge. Shots helped too.