Page 57 of Craving Paradise
“What are you doing?” Autumn asks me as she walks into the living room with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.
“Watching TV,” I say, flicking through the sports channels.
“Ugh, you’re so annoying. I thought you said you were going out. Don’t you have a hot date or something?”
“Not tonight. I canceled my date. I wasn’t in the mood.” I continue to flick through the channels.
“Can’t you go somewhere else then?”
“No, I live here. This is my house. If I want to sit on the couch watching sports on a Saturday night, I can.”
“I told you the girls were coming over because we have that charity event tonight,” my sister whines.
“I don’t remember that.”
“I told you yesterday. You never listen to me, Jasper. I tell you things because they are important,” she says in a huff as she stomps up the stairs.
What the hell did I do? I look over at Freya, standing in the kitchen trying not to laugh. I raise a questioning brow at her.
“We had a conversation yesterday about it. She asked if you would be home. You said no, you were going out because it’s a Saturday night. And she said good because she was having her friends over, and she didn’t want you to creep on them. Does any of that ring a bell?” Freya asks.
Shit, it does.
“Yes, that conversation seems like something we might have had yesterday, but my plans have changed. And this is still my house,” I add, but I know it’s hopeless because I told her I wouldn’t be home, and now I am. My mind is a little distracted at the moment between Dad, the estate, work, and the stupid repeat of Lauren being plowed on a sex swing constantly running on a loop inside my mind. It has made me a tad bit distracted, it would seem.
“Fine, I’ll fix it.” I sigh as I turn off the television.
“I think you’re going to need a nice bottle of champagne to seal the deal on this one,” Freya suggests, her eyes falling on my wine refrigerator.
Freya nods.
“Fine,” I grumble as I walk over to my wine refrigerator and grab the first bottle I see.
“Not that one, the pink one.” Freya points out.
Ugh. I switch bottles and take the correct one. “I know it’s for you anyway,” I say, my eyes narrowing on my cousin.
“Not my fault your sister and I have the same taste in champagne.” She smirks as I walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my sister’s room. “Autumn,” I say, calling out her name as I knock on her door.
“What?” she answers angrily.
“Can I come in?” I hesitate, opening the door without permission last time, I got a shoe to the temple.
I slowly open the door, waiting for projectiles to miss me, but nothing happens. “Hey, I come bearing gifts.” I raise the champagne bottle in front of her.
“Thanks.” She rolls her eyes.
“Autumn, I’m sorry I forgot about your plans. Freya reminded me of the conversation. I’ve had a lot on my mind, and it simply slipped. How about I order in more champagne? I’ll be the bartender for the night. I can get you drinks while you get ready. How does that sound?”
Silence fills the room as she thinks over my offer, which is a bloody good one. She should take it. I’m not always this nice.
“And you promise not to flirt with any of my friends?”
“Oh, come on. Flirting comes naturally to me. How about this? I promise not to hook up with any of your friends tonight.”