Page 45 of Highland Hearts
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Cree waiteda distance from the campsite where William and his men were being held. He was impatient to see this done and find out the truth but was concerned that the truth might present more problems. There seemed to be far too many people involved in the situation and that could prove dangerous.
It had not been long since a troop of his men were sent to secure the group of men that waited a distance from where Cavell camped. Once that was done, Cree could implement the second part of his plan. Though, he had to make certain that no one escaped to warn Cavell or whoever was truly in charge.
While he knew Sloan would keep the clan safe in his absence, he still worried when gone from home, especially in the current situation. It was far easier to conquer an enemy one could see, but an enemy that lurked in the shadows was far more difficult.
One of his warriors approached where Cree waited on his horse.
“It is done, my lord,” the warrior said. “All have been contained.”
“Good,” Cree said. “Move the second group into place.”
The warrior nodded and rode off to see it done.
“Time to free our men, Gerald,” Cree said.
Gerald smiled and followed alongside Cree.
* * *
Dawn watchedthe troop approach and the closer they got the more concerned she grew. This was not a ragtag bunch of warriors. They were seasoned warriors with numerous scars to prove it which meant they did not fear battle, most of them probably lived for it.
They rode with determination, their pace brisk, almost as if they did not intend to slow down but to charge right into the village.
Dawn gasped as silent as it was, shocked at seeing her young son, Valan, emerge from the woods, his wooden sword in hand and behind him hurried Lizbeth, yelling at him. It did not stop Valan. He ran out of the woods and towards her, and into the path of the galloping horses.
Lizbeth did not stop, she ran right after him, yelling and waving for him to move away from the approaching horses.
Dawn did not hesitate… she took off like an arrow racing toward its mark. She heard her da yell, heard his pounding footfalls behind her, though knew he could not match her speed. Her thoughts were on nothing but her children—two of them. How did she reach two of them in time not to be trampled?
Where usually Lizbeth did not pay her heed, she thought this time the young bairn would understand and she gestured to her as she ran.
“I’m coming, Mum. I will protect you,” young Valan shouted, paying no heed to the troop bearing down on him.
Dawn was grateful Lizbeth understood her gestures, relieved to see her run to the edge of the woods, out of the way of the approaching troop. That left only Valan to get out of the way before the horses trampled him.
She knew Sloan would not risk sending the mounted warriors toward the troop since that might provoke the approaching troop to think they were being attacked and have them bear down even harder giving her less time to reach her son.
The horses drew ever closer to Valan and showed no signs of slowing down. There was only one thing she could do if she had any chance of saving him, and she did not hesitate. Once close enough, she threw herself at her son, wrapping her arms around him and rolling swiftly to the side.
* * *
Cree rode into camp,no sentinels to stop him, his warriors having seen to them.
Any man who was not on his feet rushed to stand and every man drew his sword.
Cree remained mounted as he called out, “You are surrounded. Lay down your weapons and surrender. He watched as some of the men looked to Blaine while others looked to Cavell, the only one who had not drawn his sword. Those men returned their swords to their holders.
Blaine glanced toward the woods.
“Your men have been captured. There is no one left to help you, and do you truly want to die today?” Cree asked, looking not only to Blaine but casting a glance over each of the men.
One by one the men put down their weapons.
Cree raised his hand with a snap and his warriors poured out of the woods to collect the weapons and gather the prisoners, keeping Cavell’s men separate from Blaine’s.
Gerald led a small group of men to the areas that held Cree’s men to free them, and shouts of victory soon echoed through the camp.