Page 46 of Highland Hearts
Cree dismounted and ignoring Blaine’s demand to speak with him, walked to Cavell to stop directly in front of him. “The truth or I will add to the scars on that pretty face of yours.”
“I suppose I deserve that,” Cavell said, “but you know you’d have a fight on your hands if you tried.”
“A fight you would lose. Now, tell me the truth. What mess have you gotten yourself into and caused you to come seek my help?” Cree demanded none too gently.
“Survival,” Cavell admitted and walked off to a secluded spot where they could talk privately.
Cree positioned himself to watch his men prepare for their return home as Cavell explained.
“Things have not gone well for me and the men who follow me. My father had encouraged me to join the Gallowglass and fight for our homes, our isles, but in the end, it was all for the benefit of my oldest brother. When I requested a meager plot of land for me to settle on, my father laughed. He told me my job was to protect my brother, die for him if necessary, so the clan would survive. He cared not if I survived.
“So, I left the Gallowglass, though they tell me that is not possible. That I am part of them forever. The only man I knew more powerful, more fearless than them is you. So, I decided to seek you out. One of my men happened upon Tate in Stirling one day. He was telling tales of his brother who designed the castle for the infamous mercenary, now known as Lord Cree. That’s when my plan took root.”
“So, you thought to get coin and land from me.”
“Coin, but when my plan was highjacked, I added land, hoping you would question it and surmise something was not right,” Cavell said. “I know you question everything and when I feared there might not be time for you to figure it out since I was being watched so closely, I attempted to sneak a visit to you. Unfortunately, I knew I was spotted before I got the chance to meet with you but thanks to your daughter the message got through.”
“How did you explain your way out of that one?” Cree asked.
“Easy. I told Blaine I had to see things for myself that you were still the notorious Cree that I knew and did not trust. That there was no telling what you would do.” Cavell shook his head slowly. “Strange thing is that Blaine insisted on no bloodshed. He did not want any of your men harmed. It wasn’t until I discovered that Tate was here that I figured he was involved in some way.”
“Do you know who hired Blaine?” Cree asked, having no intention of sharing anything about Tate with Cavell.
“I have no idea. He arrived just after me and my men captured your men and to my dismay captured us with ease. He told us that he cared not what coin I got from you just that he needed the matter done in three days’ time, then I extended it three more days, fearing you needed more time to piece the puzzle together. To my surprise, he was not upset about it, so I assumed his plans had been delayed or altered and the extra time suited him. So, what now?”
“Blaine and his men will be kept prisoners until I find out who it is he works for and what he wants from me, and you and your men will be my guests until this all gets sorted out.”
“And the coin? I figured you owe me something for helping you,” Cavell said.
“I would not have needed your help if you had not abducted my men,” Cree reminded and when Cavell went to debate him, Cree jabbed him in the chest. “When you tell me the whole truth, then we will talk coin.”
“I tell you the truth,” Cavell insisted.
“You are not a foolish man and never have you been a foolish warrior. You let Blaine highjack you and you will tell me why. But right now, I want to get home. We will talk once we get there, and it better be the truth that spills from your lips.” Cree walked away, shouting, “We leave shortly.”
They were on their way in no time and at a good pace. Cree didn’t know what it was, but he had this uneasy itch to get home, and through the years he had learned to listen to his unease. That unease grew when he saw a rider racing his way and it was one of his warriors.
Everyone kept out of Cree’s way as he sped through the village. His only thought was on his wife. He left Reed in charge once his warrior had told him Dawn had been injured saving their son Valan from being trampled to death.
His heart had pounded against his chest the entire ride home, his warrior not certain of Dawn’s injury. He only knew that she had been taken to the healer’s cottage. Elsa was a good healer, she would give Dawn the best of care, at least that was what he kept telling himself until he finally brought his horse to a stop at the cottage. Worry twisted his pounding heart when he saw Kirk holding a crying Tynan and Lizbeth hugging a crying Valan as tears trailed down her small face. Beast looked from one to the other of the children confused and not sure what to do.
Nell reached for Tynan so Kirk could talk with Cree privately once he dismounted.
The little bairn refused to let go of his grandda, his small arms tightening around his neck and when Valan spotted his da, he ran toward him.
“I am sorry, Da. I am sorry!” Valan cried and collapsed against Cree’s leg.
Cree scooped him up and held him tight. “There is no fault in protecting your mum, Valan, but you are young, and she is wiser than you, knows better than you, and that is the reason you obey her.”
Valan sniffled and wiped at his tears. “I got her hurt.”
Cree felt a grip on his leg and looked down to see his daughter, her thin arms clutching his leg.
“Mum saved him,” she said through tears.
Nell stepped forward, her hands reaching out. “Come to me, Valan, and you too, Lizbeth. Your da needs to see your mum and then he can talk with you.”