Page 4 of Princess's Revenge
“Only one way to find out. You’ll have to trust me.”
My Berretta isn’t cocked and the safety is still on, it’s all just for show. I tuck it into the holster under my jacket and Jessi gives me a tight smile.
She leans back and I see her feet coming up. She’s too fast. I get struck in the face and I’m dazed. I hear a sound like the door handle being yanked over and over, then the car stops.
I come to my senses thinking that I’m going to have to chase her, but Chris is at her door holding her by the neck. He strikes her open handed on her face.THACK!The impact has her falling back into the car—semi conscious.
He tucks her feet back inside, “There’re a lot of worse things I can do than shoot you. Behave and I won’t have to.” Then he looks at me, “Do you think you can handle one little girl or do we have to switch?”
I swallow down the embarrassment of being called out by my older brother, “I’ve got it.”
“Good,” he gets back into the passenger seat and Anthony gets us moving again.
Jessi is sprawled on her back and looks like she’s seeing stars. Her face is red from the slap.
I try to help her sit up and she recoils like a frightened kitten, squeezing up against the door and hugging her legs, looking tearful, “You said you wouldn’t hurt me.”
Her words make me feel like shit. “I’m sorry, I should’ve have said we don’twantto hurt you. You have to trust us, this is for your own good.”
She hides her face and cries…quietly.It breaks my heart.
We drive the next few minutes in silence.
I don’t take my eyes off her. I wouldn’t dare after what she did. She’s feisty. She’s definitely not some deer in the headlights. At her age, you’d think shewouldbe…but she’s royal—A fighter.She just doesn’t know it yet.
I can’t imagine what she must be going through. First her wedding day ends in betrayal, her life gets torn to pieces and now she’s being kidnapped by three thugs. Sheshouldbe more afraid.
I ask, “Did you see the pictures?”
She looks up at me but doesn’t answer.
“Is that why you left?” I try to get her to talk to me.
All she says is, “Where are you taking me?”
Well, I tried.“You’ll see when we get there. It’s okay. I’m going to keep you safe, I promise.”
I can’t believe this is happening. What the hell didIever do? I’m nobody. First, I find out my fucking fiancé has been cheating on me, then I run out on my wedding, now these three assholes have kidnapped me!
If this is how the daystarted,where’s it going to end? I wipe my eyes on my dress. That slap knocked the shit out of me. I’m scared but I don’t want to show it.
I’m done being afraid. Fear is why Jack controlled me. I made a decision not to be afraid anymore when I walked out on him. I’m not going to start again with these three.
I need to figure out what’s going on.
I try to size up the guy sitting in the back with me. He’s been staring at me non-stop, but not in a creepy way. He’s the youngest of the three. He’s been the nicest so far.
I take a chance and ask, “Who are you?”
He gives me a tiny smile, “I’m Francis. Those are my brothers, Christopher and Anthony.”
Christopher is the one who hit me. Kidnappers don’t tell you their names. You’ll be able to identify them. They also don’t show you their faces. That means they’re going to—
“I know what you’re thinking,” Anthony interrupts my thoughts, “you know our names and you’ve seen our faces.You’re thinking we’re going to kill you so can’t talk. That’s not what’s going to happen.”
“What’s going to happen? Why are you people doing this to me?”
“Just be patient and you’ll see. We’re doing thisforyou, nottoyou.”