Page 100 of Rebel's Fairytale
Chapter thirty-two
The following morning, during church, Axle gave Rebel the news that they had raised what they needed to in order to save the library. They also discussed what Keys had learned and made a plan.
After church wrapped up, Axle got on his bike and headed for town with Pike, Skull, Dragon, and Keys. They pulled into the parking lot of the office building that held Smith & Smith Accounting and backed their bikes into a row on the side of the building.
As a unit, they headed for the front door. Skull snorted a laugh. “We’re going to stick out like a sore thumb in here.”
In a rare moment of humor, Dragon shot back, “What do you mean? I wore my best blue jeans and my newest tee.”
Laughing, they entered the building, walked right past the lobby security, and approached the bank of elevators. Pike used the toe of his boot to push theupbutton.
Dragon stared down the security guard who looked to be in his early twenties and no more than a hundred and forty pounds. The man was shaking, which made sense. Instinct alone would tell him that Dragon would squash him like a bug on the bottom of his steel-toed boots.
When the elevator dinged, Dragon winked at the security guard, and Axle wondered whatexactlyKisy did to the man to pull that side of him out. Then, he realized he didn’t want to know.
They piled into the elevator, and Keys pressed the appropriate button as Skull asked, “Uh… anyone see a weight limit sign? We’re not exactly light.”
“Speak for yourself, Hefty,” Keys replied. “And the weight limit is twenty-five hundred pounds. It says it on the sign behind your bald head.”
“Give the man a patch and, all of a sudden, he gets mouthy,” Pike said with a grin.
They were still laughing when the doors opened, and they stepped out into the lobby of the fourth floor. Skull winked at the receptionist and told her. “No need to tell the bosses we’re here. We’ll announce ourselves.”
As the receptionist stood and sputtered a response, they took a left and walked down until they came to the door of the corner office. Without knocking, Dragon turned the handle and swung the door open.
“Reggie, my man,” Axle said as he followed Dragon and Pike inside the room, with Keys and Skull coming in behind him.
“What is the meaning of this?” The older man stood from his seat at the head of a conference table and scowled. The three other suited men just looked over at the Howlers.
Axle walked over and took the chair at the other end of the table. Leaning back and getting comfortable, he grinned at the fucker. “I don’t mind if we have this meeting with your associates here, but you might. Your choice, but you have thirty seconds to make it, before I just start talking.”
“I will call the police on you!”
“Twenty-eight seconds.”
“You can’t just barge in a man’s office!” The man was spitting all over the other suited men as he shouted.
“Twenty-four seconds.”
“I mean it! I’ll call the police.”
Dragon leaned back against the wall next to the door and crossed his arms over his chest. With a shrug, he said, “Call ’em. Want me to do it? I bet they’ll berealinterested in what we have to say.”
With a huff, he waved the other suited men out of the room. When his eyes locked on the receptionist, who was standing in the doorway and nervously wringing her hands, Axle spoke up. “Don’t you even think about threatening that woman or her job.”
“Go back to work,” Reginald Smith grumbled.
When the receptionist walked away, Pike closed the door and turned the lock as Skull took the seat to Axle’s left.
“What do you want?” The man returned to his seat.
“Well, a little birdie sent us some financial paperwork. Now, I don’t know much about all of that. I’m just a dumb ol’ biker president, but my brother, Keys here, nowhe’sa certified genius. He was able to read those financials, and wouldn’t you know it, he discovered some interesting information about town funds mysteriously disappearing and the same amounts appearing in your accounts undermiscellaneouspayments.”
“You can’t just access my financial accounts!”
“How we got that information is the least of your worries,” Skull told him.