Page 101 of Rebel's Fairytale
“That’s right.” Axle straightened the chair and rested his elbows on the table. “You see… we’re willing to forget all about this… as long as you lay off our clubs and our families… and return the money, of course.”
“Of course,” Pike said on a nod.
Keys set his laptop down on the table. “Would you like proof? Because I have plenty.”
Ten minutes later, they were back on their bikes and laughed all the way to their next stop — The White Farm.
Laying back against Rebel’s chest on the couch, Ruby let out a sigh. She wasn’t even paying attention to the movie that was playing on his television. She had been thinking about what to do with her townhouse. Rebel told her the townhouse was clean, but every time she thought about going back there, her stomach twisted, and her heart started to race.
Nope, she couldn’t live there anymore. She would have to sell it or figure out how to put it up for rent. Did she want to keep it? Did she want to deal with renters and contracts?
“What’s going through that gorgeous brain of yours, Ruby?”
Along with hearing his voice, she felt the rumble through his chest. She liked that.
“I can’t go back to my townhouse.”
He started playing with her hair. “So don’t.”
“I need to figure out what I’m going to do with it.”
“Sell it if you want.”
She sat up and turned to look at him. “What if I don’t want to sell it?”
He shrugged. “Then don’t.”
“It can’t just sit empty, though. I’d have to figure out how to rent it out, contracts, leases, maintenance, and all of that stuff.”
A smile grew on his handsome face, framed by that full beard and sexy golden-green eyes. “Has Kisy ever told you what she does for a living?”
Ruby thought for a minute and realized it had never come up in their conversations. “No, actually.”
“She works for Howlers Properties, specifically Howlers Property Management. You need to talk to her.”
She cringed. “I don’t like feeling like I’m taking advantage of a friendship.” She watched as Rebel rolled his eyes.Rolled his eyes!“I know you didn’t just roll your eyes at me.”
Rebel chuckled. “You are a member of the HTC family, Ruby. You wouldn’t betaking advantageof anything, except family benefits.”
She liked the sound of being a part of their family, and truthfully, Ruby felt it every time she was around them. They truly welcomed her with open arms. With them, acceptance was easy. They didn’t try to get her to conform to what they wanted her to be. She didn’t feel the need to try to fit in. Ruby was just one of them, and that was the end of it.
Rebel sat fully up and reached out. Caressing her cheek, he whispered, “Just stay here with me, Ruby. I like having you here.”
The words made her heart skip a beat. She loved that he was so willing to have her around as much as possible. Her presence didn’t seem to bother him at all. Same with the twins. They all just acted like she had always been there. It was nice, but a part of her worried they were just putting on a front because they knew she had been through something traumatic.
“Just like that?”
“Yeah. We’ll go get your stuff and bring it here. You can make this place feel more like home to you. The twins wouldn’t care. As a matter of fact, I think they would like having a feminine touch to the place.”
“Are you sure about that? You’repositivethe twins won’t care?”
Ross stepped into the open archway between the living room and kitchen areas. “Twins won’t care about what?”
A moment later, Ryker stopped next to him.
“Ruby is considering moving in with us.”