Page 102 of Rebel's Fairytale
Ross looked confused, but it was Ryker who asked, “She didn’t already move in?”
“Yeah,” Ross began, “I thought she already did. The other day… you brought stuff.” He shrugged. “Nah, we don’t care. Need help packing or moving? We got you.”
“For real,” Ryker said and nodded. “And you won’t even have to have Rebel or one of the guys order us to do it. We’d do it for you.”
Her eyes filled with tears, and that irritated the hell out of her. Ruby was really sick and tired of the waterworks. Yeah, sure, she’d been through a lot, but she wasn’t what she would call a crier.
Through her misty eyes, she stared at the boys. “I fucking love the Blau family and the Howlers. Seriously.”
Both of the twins blushed, which sent Rebel into a cackling fit, almost falling off the couch.
When Axle and the others pulled up to the White Farm, they parked their bikes near the house. They checked the house first but didn’t get a response. Glancing around the property as they walked, they made their way to the largest barn, the one closest to the house, and stepped through the wide-open doors. At first, they didn’t hear anything but the horses in their stalls.
As they walked through, noises in the far room caught their attention. Skull began to quietly chuckle as they approached the door to Jeffrey White’s office. Without knocking, they swung the door open and got an eyeful of Jeffrey White and Dorothy Jones, naked and fucking on the couch across the room.
“Fuck,” Axle barked and looked away.
“Well, that takes one stop off our list,” Keys commented as his eyes dropped to the floor and stayed there.
“How dare you just walk in my office!” Jeffrey shouted as he climbed off of Dorothy, his sister-in-law, who let out a scream.
“I think I’ll wait out here,” Pike commented. “I think you’re safe, Pres.”
“Yeah. Same,” Dragon called out. Then, the two traitors stood on either side of the door like they were bouncers at a club.
Axle rolled his eyes. “Get your motherfucking clothes on.”
“What in the hell are you doing here?” Jeffrey was frantically yanking on his clothes, not bothering to help Dorothy untangle her clothing at all.
Skull snorted. “You’ll find out as soon as your balls are covered.”
It took them a few minutes, but when Jeffrey and Dorothy were finally covered and seated on the couch, Axle began. “Well, honestly, Jeffrey, we came here to tell you that if you didn’t lay the fuck off of our clubs and our family, we would let everybody know about your debt from your porn addiction. I have to tell you, Jeff, I’ve seen my fair share of porn in my day. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with it, unless it gets to the level at which you’ve found yourself.” Axle tsked. “Mortgaged the farm to pay off your credit cards? Only to do the same thing three years later?”
“Damn,” Skull commented. “How many hours do you have to spend watching porn to rack upthatkind of debt?”
Keys set his laptop on Jeffrey’s desk and opened it. “It wasn’t just pre-recorded stuff. It was cam girls and special requests. Hold on. I’ll pull up what I found, and you’ll see what I mean.”
“No!” Jeffrey jumped to his feet and waved his hands.
Suddenly, Pike and Dragon were standing between Jeffrey and Axle.
“I wasn’t gonna…” Jeffrey swallowed hard. “I… Proof isn’t necessary.” He swallowed hard. “What do you want?”
“I already told you,” Axle replied and smiled. “Back off. Leave the Howlers, the Claws, and anyone who might be connected to us alone. Or… we’ll send drives with this information to every member of your church, as well as your wife… just in case she doesn’t already know.”
“Okay.” Jeffrey nodded. “Okay. Yeah. I can do that.”
Skull lifted his hand with his phone screen showing Jeffrey’s direction. Axle didn’t have to look to know what he was showing Jeffrey. It was a photo of him on top of a naked Dorothy on that couch.
“We’ll also throw that in with the drives… to be thorough. I’m sure she’d be interested in knowing what you and her sister are up to.”
Jeffrey’s face turned red with anger, but he gave a nod.
“You can’t let them do that, Jeff,” Dorothy practically screamed.
“No shit, Dor! Fuck!”