Page 77 of Theirs to Crave
I let him get one foot onto the moss before I spoke again, growling this time. “You’re alsomyman. If you try to leave this den—leave me—I will huntyou, and do much worse than lick your tears when I catch you.”
Zaf laughed, startled, then fell silent as his face sharpened with the promise of desire. He nodded, gravely.
I watched his tail swish with pride as he leapt into the trees, and smiled.
Now, to find out what had actually upset Estrayuh.
I slipped past the door hanging and stopped as if I’d run face first into a tree. My nostrils flared, and I tipped my head back, swallowing the moan that tried to rise.
The scent of Estrayuh’s pleasure saturated thes’klaytuh, musky and rich. I wanted to lick the air. But sorrow wove itself through the mouthwatering perfume, reminding me of my purpose.
There had been no movement at my entrance, and she wasn’t anywhere I could see, so stepping quietly, I peered around the lattice partition into her sleeping nook.
Estrayuh lay curled on her front, one arm folded beneath her cheek. The other cheek was striped with the remnants of tears.Oh, little one.
I was stepping back, not wanting to wake her, when she stirred. I stilled.
“Litha?Iz thaat yoo?” Estrayuh sat up, rubbing her hands over her face and muttering, “Noht lyk shees goeeng tu uhnderstand yoo, ihdeeot.”
She didn’t sound happy. “If you want to sleep more, that’s fine,” I offered. “I will go.”
Estrayuh shook her head. “No sleep. What need? Cook?” She pushed to her feet and smiled, the curve of her mouth making no difference to the dull sheen in her eyes.
“Need to talk,” I said, motioning for her to sit again. Perhaps she would feel more comfortable here, in her sleeping place.
Emotions flickered over her face too fast for me to read, and her scent was a wash of stress, but she sat, tucking her shorter bottom covering around her as she did so.
It had been sweet torture, helping her this morning. The memory of her weeping as she mourned her lost mate had barely been enough to keep my touches those of a friend rather than the lover I longed to be.
“Why?” I asked, trailing the back of one finger down the path her tear had carved.
She sucked in a breath, her eyes darting like a trapped animal’s.
I settled back, curving my spine, trying to be less intimidating. She was so small in comparison, it was difficult. Perhaps if I lay down?
“I’m sorry.”
I tilted my head. What could she possibly be apologizing for? Zaf hadn’t mentioned anything, and I’d certainly noticed nothing.
“I...pooshed,” she said, extending the palms of her hands towards me. Her scent now was bitter with shame. “Litha, Zafett, Revik, mates. mate.” She hung her head. “Aye misuhnderstood. Aye thot...I’m sorry.”
“I don’t understand,” I said, carefully. It didn’t seem like she was talking about the loss of her mate, but something she felt she’d done wrong. I just couldn’t think what that might be. Not understanding her language or her culture was a misery.
“Meeyairda.” Estrayuh’s eyes closed, and an expression of pain wrinkled her face. “I...” She arched her back, presenting her chest, and leaned towards me, running a hand down my arm.
I swallowed, shock and arousal holding me in place.
Then—as suddenly as before—she pulled back, closing in on herself with her fists balled in her lap.
I had to strain to understand her next words, thick as they were with fresh tears.
“I’m sorry. I understand—bad. Estrella no mate. Litha, Zafett, Revik mates.”
Understanding hit me. She thought her interest in us—I felt a thrill at the confirmation—was unwanted. That we were angry with her, perhaps, because of it? But why...
Oh. Well, fuck.
“No. Not bad, Estrayuh.” I wiped the tear from her cheek, crooning. “I want you.” I let my gaze wander over her body, not hiding how she affected me. My tongue licked at the corner of my mouth, and I inhaled the scent of her desire. I didn’t try to throttle the purr that started.